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"Welcome to Paris" the limo driver smiles as I get in, I couldn't believe I'm in Paris with a "kidnapper" that goes to my school that was my friend Isn't that crazy. We drove for about an hour and pulled up to this huge house.

There were guards at the front gate, they opened the gates and the car came around to the front door,the house was beautiful. Tyreese grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, it was empty. "I want you too decorate it" he smiles as I admire the house.

We walked around and he showed me my room, there was no way of escaping he had guards everywhere, after he showed me around and I settled in my bedroom I heard him talking on the phone down in the kitchen so I decided to look around some more.

Walking down the long hallway I went into this random room that had pictures all over it, I soon realized it was picture of me and some of me and jaden. There were open folders on his desk. I was getting creeped out.

I looked over the papers in the folder

First name:Quan


There was a picture of tyreese on the side,the folder got snatched and I looked up at tyreese and my jaw dropped "your no-" he smiles "your sick!" I ran to my room and he came after me "you can go to jail for this!" He chuckles and grabs my chin "do I look scared" I cried.

No one will ever find me.

"Please take your medicine" the doctor repeated I was being released and I was excited cause I really wanted to see tayla, I called her as I made my way out to my moms car but her phone kept going to voicemail.

When I got in the car my mom had a serious look on her face as she talked on the phone "okay keep looking" she hung up after that. "What's wrong?" I asked

"Tayla she went missing" i put my head in my hands "stop fucking with me you serious" my mother rubs my back "yes..she went missing early this morning" I didn't know how to feel I kept calling and calling her phone hoping she would pick up.

I got out my moms car and walked away she kept calling my name but I wanted to be alone. I walked home and kept calling her phone as I walked "fuck..this is all my fault!" I shouted.

I woke up and it was about 5 in the afternoon, I wondered if my mom was looking for me I really miss her. I got up and "Quan" walked in with a tray "made you some food" he puts it on the bed. "Uh thanks" it was pretty awkward.

He just stood there biting his lip "your disgusting..hitting on a 16 year old" I shook my head he grew angry and charged over to me grabbing me by my neck choking me "I-I'm s" I couldn't even finish one of the maids had to help me get him off of me.

"Don't ever disrespect me like that again" he barked I feared him when he got like this he was a whole different person from earlier when we were walking around looking at the house he was decent then I just have to accept the fact that this is my new home and I'm not going back to the United States.

It took him awhile to calm down and by then I was still looking around the house it was huge, I decided to be confident and start a conversation I walked into his office and sat down in front of him. "Why are  you obsessed with me" I said bluntly.

He chuckles "obsessed?..I'm not obsessed with you I'm in love with you..now get out of my office" I roll my eyes "in love with a sixteen year old?" I shake my head "I said get out of my office" he huffed.

"You came all the way to California for me I didn't even know you" I was so confused "I've been watching you.." I stared at him "now get out" I got up and slammed the door to his office.

Tayla's mom was devastated we searched all around cali today and no hope I stayed at tayla's moms for the night. I walked in her room and sat on tayla's bed damn I really missed her, her perfume was strong it's crazy how so much happened so quick.

I walked back downstairs and the police were here "we found some evidence" they pulled her phone out and tried unlocking it "I got it it's my birthday" I put it in for them and it unlocked.

"We are going to go through some text messages" her mom nods "do what you need" they looked at her messages and nothing it was only me and some friends. "Nothing we'll keep looking but if we don't find her in 72 hours it's gonna to be dropped" her mom nods and starts to cry.

"Have a nice night" they leave and I huffed "they're not looking hard enough for me" I mumbled type annoyed.

It's been wayyyy to long since I've updated I just randomly disappeared but I think I'm back😊.

Sorry for any mistakes you come across I haven't edited💁🏽.

Between The Lines Malak vs. Jaden Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin