"Gone 2"

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"Damn Tay you never let a nigga speak that's your problem man just shut up!" He yelled at me angrily "stop yelling at me!" I was in tears by now. "I didn't mean to yell but stop cutting me off!" I wiped my tears.

"I was wrong i should've never took that girls number..it was disrespectful to you and our relationship" he lifts my chin up "I just wanted to apologize you don't have to get back with me I'll leave you alone and we could just be friends" I looked down.

"Look at me..tell me you don't love me and I'll leave you alone" I shook my head "jad-" he cut me off "tell me you don't love me" I looked at him "Jaden I love you I'm in love with you!" I admitted.

He wiped my tears "I love you but I just don't think this is gonna work right now" he nods in agreement "we both need a break but ill always love your cry baby ass too" he kissed my cheek and wiped my tear.

"Now stop crying.." He smiles and takes my hand walking me home. When we got to my door he hugged me tightly "stop cryin before your mom beat my ass for making you cry" he jokes I chuckle "I love you" he kissed my cheek "I love you too" I smile.

I open the door to go into the house and smile before closing the door, walking into the kitchen my mom sat in the phone "great I'm sure tayla would love to hear this" my mother smiled.

She Hung up as I walked over to her "who was that?" I asked "Malak's grandmother they found him" I smile "really where is he..I need to see him!" I beamed.

"He's in Hawaii with his father" my smile dropped "is he coming back?" She shrugged "she's gonna fly out there tomorrow night and see" I nod. I was sad what if I never see him again.

"But for now you should go get some rest..your eyes are really red" I nod in agreement before heading up to my room.

The next morning when I walked into first period river sat waiting for me "morning" she smiles i sit down next to her "morning" the class filled up quickly "what happened with you and Jaden at the park?" I glance over at him as he played around with his friends.

"We made up but we're not together" she nods "i feel like it's best for you two.." She admits "true we were always fighting..but he was very sweet" I chuckle.

"Everyone in here seats!" The teacher walks into the classroom and everyone rushed to the seats.

After school I walked to rivers house and we hung out for a little I sat in her bed as she put her hair in a ponytail I looked over at her dresser and seen a picture of her and Jaden walking over to it I picked it up.

"When wa-" she snatched it out my hand "silly me I forgot to take this out" she chuckles something didn't feel right but I just shrugged it off. River threw the picture in the garbage. "Let's watch a movie" she smiles.

Short but the next chapter will be longer.

Chapter by yungtiller_

Between The Lines Malak vs. Jaden Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin