Chapter 12: A Boyfriend's Undying Loyalty

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      DeAnna had just got up from her nap when Edward noticed that she started coughing.  Her boyfriend asked, "Are you going to be ok?"  Then DeAnna answered, "I don't feel very good."  So Edward sat on her bed and she curled up on his lap for comfort.  Edward sighed, "Oh, sweetie....I'm very sorry.  I'm going to take good care of you."  Then Nurse Clara knocked at the front door to follow up so Edward exclaimed, "Perfect timing!"  Nurse Clara entered to check on DeAnna so Edward asked, "Remember the girl who was unconscious?  Well, she suddenly got sick so she's coughing.  DeAnna doesn't look well, but do you have any medicines or other medical supplies on-hand that I can buy from you?"  So Nurse Clara had some cough syrup, a thermometer, some pain tablets, and some cough drops that Edward bought from her.  

       Then Nurse Clara greeted, "Hello, young princess!  May I please give you a home checkup?"   DeAnna sneezed then she sniffled with a hoarse voice, "I guess so."  So Nurse Clara checked DeAnna's heartbeat which was good then her blood pressure was ok, but her lung oxygen was fine.  Then she had DeAnna put a thermometer under her tongue and it turned out that DeAnna was running a fever.    Edward asked, "Can I put your teddy bear on a nearby shelf so he doesn't get your germs?"  DeAnna nodded.  Then Nurse Clara asked DeAnna, "Are you ok with me giving you an injection?  It will improve your speed of getting well, but I wanted to ask you first."  DeAnna saw the needle and she panicked, "I want to get better, but needles scare me!"  Nurse Clara understood then she asked if it would help if she had her eyes covered so she didn't see the poke, but she was ok with that.  So Nurse Clara put a cloth over DeAnna's eyes then Edward knelt down to hold her hand as he insisted, "I am right next to you and I will be your encouragement, ok?"   DeAnna started to have tears rolling down her cheeks.    Nurse Clara said, "Ok, DeAnna!  One, two, three, and in goes the needle." DeAnna screamed, "Ow!    That hurts!"  Edward tried to calm her down as he told her, "Shhhhh....I am right here for you.  You're doing great, DeAnna!  Just stay calm for me."  DeAnna replied, "Ok."  Then she started coughing again while covering her mouth with the other hand. 

       Edward asked Alphonse to grab a box of tissues so he immediately grabbed some for her. Alphonse asked, "Is she going to be ok?"  Nurse Clara told Alphonse, "She is running a fever so she needs to rest, but please offer her plenty of fluids and soup often.  Also, make sure she gets bathed frequently and that she has clean clothes as well as clean bedding available at all times."  The Elric brothers agreed to take turns with who got the morning shifts and who got the evening through night shifts.  Then Nurse Clara asked, "Can you give her some cough syrup, Edward?  I'm already late for my next appointment."   Edward smiled as he told her, "DeAnna is in good hands with us so no worries!"    Then Edward poured some cough syrup into a spoon and offered it to DeAnna so she took it without hesitating.  Edward praised, "That's my girl!"  DeAnna asked, "Can I please have something to drink?"   Alphonse rushed to the fridge then he shouted, "Will she go for some fruit punch?"  DeAnna told Edward that she'd like a glass of fruit punch so he poured some for her with a straw.  Edward instructed, "Please sip it slowly.  I don't want you to choke."  DeAnna sipped it down slowly then she asked, "Can you or Alphonse please prepare a hot bubble bath for me to soak in?"  Edward smiled, "Of course I can, my sweet butterfly princess!"  Then he saw that DeAnna had given him perfect eye contact again.  He praised, "Thank you for the good eye contact.  I knew you could do it!"  

       Then Edward went into the restroom to have the tub running with hot water and he added some foaming soap to create bubbles in the water.  After the tub got 3/4 of the way full, she asked if DeAnna was ready for her bath and she agreed.  She also brought a clean nightgown, slippers, and clean undergarments in to set on the restroom counter until she was done bathing.  A half hour had passed and DeAnna finally got out of the tub to get dried off then she twitched her butterfly wings to dry them off as well.  After she got her pajamas and other clean bedtime articles on, she exited the restroom and was greeted with a bowl of chicken soup.  DeAnna remembered the table manners training as Edward instructed a few days ago and he noticed.  As he smiled at her, she asked why he was smiling so Edward told her that she is doing a good job on table manners.  After she ate, DeAnna went to bed.  Edward whispered, "Sweet dreams, my butterfly princess!  I love you so much, but please get well soon."

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