Chapter 25: Preparing For A New Arrival

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      The days and weeks went by, but DeAnna's stomach gradually got bigger.  DeAnna asked, "Edward, do I look fat to you?  Please be honest because I deserve to know the truth."  Edward smiled then he said, "Don't worry about it so much.  You look great!  Those babies are growing inside of you and you are doing awesome by providing for them while they are still in your belly."  DeAnna giggled then she thanked her husband for the compliments.  She was presented with several outfits and pajamas for maternity from Winry, but the military got her some baby stuff ranging from toys to baby blankets all the way to baby clothes as well as diapers.   DeAnna commented, "I feel so happy to be treated with much love, acceptance, and respect from so many people."  Alphonse told DeAnna, "It would be a good idea to write thank you letters to each one of those people who got gifts for you."  DeAnna agreed so she sat at the table with a pencil and paper as she wrote thank you letter after the next then she sent them all into the mailbox with a stamped envelope for every thank you letter.  Her stomach growled again so DeAnna asked, "Can I please have something to eat?"  Alphonse nodded then he asked, "What would you like?"  So DeAnna answered, "I think I'd like to have some chicken stir fry.  My babies will love all the nutrition from such a filling meal."  Edward praised, "Good job!  I like that you are making healthy choices for you and your young."  DeAnna blushed.  So Alphonse got out all the ingredients and started cooking. 

        Zoe was a very curious chimera so she sniffed DeAnna's belly and barked happily.  "Pretty soon you will have 3 beautiful children to watch over, Zoe.  I know you will guide them well."  DeAnna brushed her fingertips through the tuft on Zoe's head then she gave her chimera a biscuit with a saucer of water on the side.  After a half hour, Alphonse finished cooking.  "Lunch is ready!", he announced.  So Alphonse gave himself, Edward, and DeAnna some chicken stir fry for lunch.  DeAnna got the largest helping because she had to feed her children and herself.  "This is yummy!", DeAnna commented.  Alphonse smiled as he thanked DeAnna for the compliment.  Edward looked at the instructions from Nurse Clara and asked his wife, "Have you been doing regular exercises lately?"    DeAnna answered, "Um, no. I haven't."  Edward replied, "Uh, oh!  Looks like you and I should do some stretches to help out with any further pains from your pregnancy.  How about we do some stretches together after lunch?  It will be fun!"  DeAnna nodded with a smile on her face as she said, "Anything to make our children happy."  After lunch, Alphonse washed the dishes while Edward worked on some basic exercises with DeAnna for awhile.  DeAnna was worn out after 20 minutes so Edward frowned, "We need to get you in shape so then it will be less painful when our children are born.  Ok, we can take a break and do more workouts later."  Then he got a large glass of water and handed it to DeAnna. "Here you go!", Edward said.  So DeAnna drank the water and felt hydrated again.

       The weeks turned into months and DeAnna had finally gotten into the swing of a healthy lifestyle with Edward's support.  After all, he was counting on his wife to make good decisions because they were also his future children.  One morning, DeAnna was in a lot of pain.  Edward and Alphonse had asked, "Are you ok?"  DeAnna answered, "Just minor back pain from being pregnant."  Alphonse answered, "It won't be long now."  Then the phone rang so Edward answered it.  Nurse Clara had asked if she could visit to get updates on the pregnancy situations and he agreed with DeAnna's consent.  Nurse Clara came 20 minutes later with more medical items and she asked DeAnna, "Would you like to know what gender your babies are?"  DeAnna turned to Edward and both were eager to know what they were having.  So Nurse Clara did some tests on DeAnna and the results were revealed after awhile.  "It looks like you are going to be having two girls and one boy.  Congratulations!", Nurse Clara commented.  Edward exclaimed, "Two young princesses and a young prince!  I'd bet they will be just like their mother."   DeAnna blushed as she said, "They will have a bit of their father in them too!"    Roy, Riza, and Winry all visited the expecting couple to give them a baby crib for all three children to share until they grew.  Edward and DeAnna were very happy with such a wonderful gift, but Winry even had a stroller for three children which was a gift from Pinako.  Alphonse successfully put the crib and the stroller together after the visitors left then he had the gifts wait in DeAnna's old bedroom until the day she gave birth.  

      Three months later, DeAnna had a wet puddle on the floor as she commented, "Edward!  Alphonse!  A bit of assistance, please?"  Alphonse commented, "Big brother!  DeAnna's water has finally broke!"  DeAnna curled up in a ball with pain so Edward picked her up and they were all on the way to the hospital.  Zoe also tagged along to witness her master's finest moments.  DeAnna screamed and cried in pain while in labor, but Edward tried to calm her down.  He told her, "'s ok, DeAnna.  Just think!  These babies are about to enter the world soon.  Aren't you excited?"  DeAnna answered, "Yes, but I can't take this pain that I'm going through!"  Edward replied, "Yes, you can.  Just be strong, DeAnna!" The doctor told DeAnna to inhale then exhale and push repeatedly.  A couple of hours later, Edward told his wife, "You're almost there!" The doctor told DeAnna, "Just one more big push, ok?"   DeAnna pushed hard as she screamed, "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!" Finally, all three babies were out.  Edward and DeAnna cried happy tears as all three babies were crying in their first breath of air.  "I knew you could do it!", Edward praised.  The two girls had strawberry blonde hair like DeAnna's hair and the boy had brownish gold hair like Edward's hair.  Edward asked, "What do you want to name them?" DeAnna answered, "Erika and Iris are the girls, but the boy is Victor." The doctor cleaned up the babies and they were all fed their first meal of fresh milk.  Edward whined, "Do they really have to drink that crap?  Oh well.  They are our babies after all."

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