A bad news and A favor

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"I'm sorry to tell you this but your bone was not just dislocated it was fractured and there is a possibility that even if you recover you can't use it as effeciently as before" the doctor said

"What do you mean by that?" my mom asked

"It means that there is a possibility that his injured leg won't be as good as before even if the fractured bone will mend"

"Will it affect my dancing?" I asked

"I'm afraid yes, but don't lose hope as i've said there is only little possibility of that happening" he replied

That means I can't dance as good as before. I'd better die than live a life not being able to dance.


"please i'm begging you, be my son's personal nurse just until his casts will be removed" Mrs. Kim said

She is a close friend of my mother but even if they are close i've never met her before. We are in a coffee shop, she was asking if I could "babysit" his son who was involved in a car accident and acquired a fractured arm and leg.

"but ma'am-"

"I know i'm asking for too much but I don't know other solution than this. I don't know other person whom I can entrust my son with and since i've known your mother since high school I know I can trust you with him. Besides I heard from your mother that you are an excellent cook and I am confident that you can help my son . Besides since the accident he became grumpy and his not being himself, the doctor said he's just depressed but I believe that with proper help and care he'll be back to normal. As his mother I can't watch him be like that but I can't take care of him myself because my husband had a heart attack when he heard our son got into an accident and I can't take care of them at the same time. I'm not asking you to give your answer right away, so please think about it and here's my calling card contact me once you've decided."

I just stared at the woman in front of me, she's beautiful despite her age and elegant too. She looks haggard and her  eyes were red and a little bit swollen maybe from too much crying or little time of sleep.

"But ma'am I think you came to the wrong person. I'm just a writer not a doctor,psychologist or something and I think it would be better if you'll hire someone else" I said

"I know you're not a doctor but I heard from your mother that when you were still studying you've been volunteering in a nursing home until now during your free times"

"But still my experience is nothing compared to a doctor's expertise" I answered

"Please my son hates doctors as of the moment and I can't just hire anybody and since i've been friends with your mother for a long time I know she brought you up well so......"

Just by looking at her I can see that she's having a hard time and the desperation in her voice almost made me want to say yes but can I abandon my work and be his son's personal maid? But i've this feeling that I must accept her offer, that I must help her. I don't know and I don't get it either. Besides i'm having a writer's block right now and maybe taking a leave will help me think of something for my next book.

"I'll think about it ma'am" I just said while smiling politely at her

Her face lit up and she smiled at me too while reaching for my hands and said thank over and over again.

I Am That Idol's Babysitter( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now