His Plan To Get Even

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This morning Mr. Lee is the one who woke me up for breakfast. When we arrived at the dining area the food is already served but that annoying lady is nowhere to be seen. I prevented myself from asking Mr. Lee because he might think that I actually care when in reality i'm just curious.

"Lady Yeon Ha will not be able to join us because she went to town to buy some things. She went out after preparing breakfast and told me to ask you if you needed something, tell me and i'll relay it to her" Mr. Lee said answering my unasked question

I just nodded at him for I don't have anything to say.

When I was done eating I headed to my room. I just laid there and stared at the ceiling, thinking of nothing in particular until I fell asleep.


"Lady Yeon Ha let me help you with that"

I thanked him as I handed him some of the grocery bags I was carrying. He helped me organize the things I bought and when we were done I prepared the ingredients i'll be using in cooking our lunch.

"Lady Yeon Ha can I do something to help?" Mr. Lee asked, i'm about to refuse but when I looked at the clock I only have an hour and thirty minutes to prepare the food so I accepted his offer to help. The food must be ready by 12 sharp because Kai needs to take his medicine around 12:30.

"Mr. Lee can you please go and call Kai for me while I prepare the table"

"Lady Yeon Ha, master Kai said he don't have an appetite and that he'll just come eat when he wants to"

"That idiot" I muttered as I exited the dining room and headed to Kai's room

"Kai lunch is ready" I called as I knocked on his door

"Why do you keep on shouting it's not as if i'm deaf and besides it's irritating" he grumbled when he opened his door

"Oh i'm sorry I forgot you were not deaf just stupid" I mumbled

"What did you just say?"

"I just said lunch is ready" I lied

"I already told Mr. Lee that i've no appetite, i'll just go eat when I get hungry"

"Even if you have no appetite you need to go and eat for you need to take your medicine"

"You're not my mother so don't boss me around"

"And i'm thankful for that, I don't want to have a child who is stupid and an ass like you. I'm not bossing you i'm just doing the job assigned to me"

"And what job is that exactly?"

"To be an idiot's babysitter"

"Oh! So you are employed to be my maid. If you insist that I must eat my lunch then you must do your job right and go bring my meal here" he said while smirking at me

"Are you mocking me?"

"Why? Isn't it your job to care for me, i'm just giving you some work to do"

I walked out on him without saying a word. I was beyond pissed but I tried my best to calm myself and not answer back, it might make things worst. Besides he was right this was part of the job which I agreed on.

"Mr. Lee you may eat first, i'll just bring this to Kai's room"

"Let me carry those for you Lady Yeon Ha"

"It's okay, I can manage" I said as I offered him a smile


Her expression was priceless, I think living with her won't be that bad after all. I hate it when she calls me an idiot or stupid so i'll just get even by ordering her around. Let's see who'll get the last laugh ha-ha, that's what she gets for calling me EXO's dancing machine stupid, idiot, etc. 

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