Her Thoughts......Her Feelings

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I was taken aback by her question. I don't know either.

"Until I figure out what I feel towards you, can't you not see that guy or any other guy again?"

"You want me to stop living?"

"No. I'm only asking you to wait for me. Just until I organize my thoughts and make sense of my feelings."

"That's just the same Kai, it's like asking me to stop living and wait for you. But until when?" she asked

"All i'm asking is a little time-"

"But what if in the end you realized that you don't like me at all. What's going to happen with me then? I'm sorry Kai but i'm not a puppet, I may take you ordering me around but I can't do what you request of me just now." She said and then walked out.

Damn it, I never said she was a puppet. Why did she think that, have I said anything wrong? All I asked was for her not to date yet and wait for me. Was that wrong? Uurrgghhh this is so messed up.


After I walked out on Kai's room I went straight to my room and cried. I was happy that there is a little chance of my feelings towards him being reciprocated but I'm hurt at the same time. Can't he just say that he likes me?

I know my reaction a while ago might have been irrational and that I might have overreacted but my fear and inhibitions made me act the way I did.

"Hello" I tried making my voice sound fine when I answered Ji Hye's call.

"Yeon Ha are you okay?"

"Yes i'm fine, why shouldn't I be. By the way why did you call?"

"Oh, you're editor called me a while ago saying that she'd been trying to call you but you won't pick up. Are you sure everything's fine there?"

"Everything's fine, I've just been busy a while ago. I was just thinking of calling her back. Did she leave any message for me?"

"No she didn't. Yeon Ha I can sense it, something's wrong don't try to deny it or else i'll travel right now and go there to beat it out of you."

I laughed at what she said. Just for a minute there I forgot about my conversation with Kai a while ago.

"Kai--" But I was not able to continue on what i'm about to say and cried once again.

"Why? Is there something wrong with Kai? Did something bad happen?"

"Kai's alright." I managed to say

"Then what's wrong? Why are you crying all of a sudden, it's not like you to just cry like this without a valid reason."

"Ji Hye I think I love him. He asked me a while ago to wait for him until he figure out his feelings toward me but I can't"

"What do you mean you can't?"

"I'm afraid, what if it'll turn out that he doesn't like me at all. That it was just a spur of the moment feeling. That once he returns to his normal life he'll forget about me. There are a lot of pretty idols out there and i'm afraid that he'll disregard me when he'll met someone that he will like. Ji Hye i'm afraid to risk it with him so I turned him down"

"Oh Yeon Ha I understand that you're afraid but isn't it better to take the risk rather than doing nothing and be left with the question 'what if'?"

"I know i'm being a coward with the choice that I made but i'm afraid that i'll end up hurt in the end if it turns out that he doesn't really like me."

"I understand and I respect your decision. So what happens now?"

"I don't know, I think I can't face him without crying and making a fool out of myself in front of him."

"Are you saying you're going to avoid him?"

"Yes, i'm thinking of doing that. It might be a pathetic move but I really can't face him as of the moment. Besides we only have one week left so I think i'll survive."

"I just wish I was there to comfort you."

"It's okay Ji Hye talking with you like this is more than enough. Thank you for listening."

"There's no need to thank me, that's what friends are supposed to be. Besides you too have always been there every time i'm down.."

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