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"Omo!! You're acting strange today?"

"What do you mean?" I asked as I stared at her trying to make sense of her statement

"You're no longer complaining about Kai and you're glowing" she elaborated

"Glowing? Maybe it's because I was happy to be back home again and meet my dearest friend" I told her as I smiled

"Aigoo!! Don't give me that pathetic excuse. Something happened between Kai and you right? That's the reason why you're so blooming am I right?"

"You have such a wild imagination, you should have become a writer and not a fashion designer"

"I was just asking if there is an improvement between you two? Omo!!! Did you think that I was asking if you had....Omo!!! You're the one who has a wild imagination and please Yeon Ha let Kai be fully healed before you rape him. Don't make his injuries worst by-"

"Ya! Kang Ji Hye!!! What are you babbling about? Me, rape him? Have you lost your mind?" I cur her off

"Ya! Don't shout i'm not deaf"

"No you're not deaf but if you continue with that nonsense i'll make you" I threatened

"Aigoo it's your fault in the first place for misunderstanding what I said"

I didn't comment on what she said and just focused on drinking my coffee.


"Wow your wife is doing a good job in taking care of you, you're so much better now compared to the last time that we've seen you." Chanyeol hyung commented when I went to meet them after we came from the hospital

"He's right you look more handsome now, i'm jealous" Baekhyun hyung added

"You're so lucky to have a wife like her" Luhan hyung joined with their teasing

"Yeon Ha noona is lucky too because she's the wife of the great dancer and charismatic Kai" Sehun chimed in

"Stop it guys, we only see each other now after a month don't bombard him with your jokes" D.O hyung stopped them

"Omo!! Is our D.O getting jealous?" Kris hyung

"What's happening here are you ganging up on him again?" Suho hyung who just came to join us asked. But they all denied it and directed a teasing smile at me

"Ah I have a favor to ask from all of you." I told them remembering the request of those girls

"Hmm what is it?" Chen hyung asked

"I've met some of our fans at Baguio and they asked me to get an autograph from you guys. Here are their name tags and below it is the name of their biases

"Do you have a picture of them? May I see it?" Lay hyung inquired

"Yes hyung I have" I said as I handed him my phone

"Omo!Omo!Omo!Omo! It looked like it's so fun in there. I wish I can go with you when you return." Baekhyun hyung

"I agree with you hyung" Tao

"By the way how did you meet our fans?" Xiumin hyung asked

"Oh we came accross them at the mall when we went to watch a movie. Yeon Ha thought it might be a good idea to meet and spend some time with them so..we did."

"Whoa you're wife is really amazing" Sehun commented

"It's so nice to hear that she's taking care of you." Suho hyung

I just smiled at him, I don't know how to react to that.

"What's this?" I asked D.O hyung

"It's a book" He answered, we're in the room we share here in our dorm

"I know it's a book hyung"

"It's a present, I have another copy and i've already finished reading it so I can guarantee you that it is amazing."

"Really, is this a book of that writer you're so fond of?" I asked

"Yes, i'm looking forward to her next book."

"Whoa hyung this writer is really lucky to have a famous idol as her fan. But hyung you said you don't know what she looks like right?"

"Yes, they said she wanted to be anonymous. During her book signing** events there are no cameras or even cellphones allowed and in her interviews only her editor shows-up, no one really knows who she really is."

"Really, whoa could it be that she's a know personality that is why they want to hide her true identity?"

"I don't know, but I want to attend one of her book signing events though so that I can meet her personally."

"Oh right I remembered that you were not able to attend last time because we had a concert."

"Yeah, but this time i'll make sure that I will be able to make it."

"Good luck with that, and hyung thank you for the gift."

"It's nothing."

"Let's sleep already, you have an early schedule tomorrow."

"Okay, by the way it's nice seeing you again. Goodnight."

"Goodnight D.O hyung."

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