Yeon Ha Is Getting Married!!!!!??????

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"Thank you for coming Yeon Ha." Latrof welcomed as he gave me a hug

"It's no big deal besides I needed a break from work for a new idea to come in."

"Ah yeah my fiancee is a fan of yours. She'd been gushing about your latest novel 'That Idol Is An Ass'. She wasn't able to accompany me in picking you up as she's busy helping with the preparations."

"Really? I can't wait to meet her."

"Yep, she'd been ecstatic when she learned that you'll be able to come. Anyways that novel was dedicated to him right?" He asked and threw me a teasing smile

"Watch the road Latrof, I don't want to get involved in an accident."

"Diverting the topic eh? So Yeon Ha how are you two,... going strong?"

"We never got in touch since we parted ways more than six months ago."

"But why? I thought you like him and in your novel you said he confessed so I thought you two...."

"That's a novel Latrof, a product of my imagination. Besides why are you so interested in my love life?"

"Curiosity." He simply answered


"We're here" He said as we waited for the gate to be opened

"Your house is pretty." I commented as I roamed my eyes to the amazingly designed house in front of me

"My father designed it himself. You may go in first i'll just help the maid bring up your luggage to your room."

"Don't bother calling for a maid. I'll help you myself."

"Okay then." He said and carried my two suitcases. I was left to carry the smaller bag which contains my make-up kit, etc. I brought a lot of luggage as I planned on prolonging my stay here after their wedding.

"Shall I send someone to help you unpack?"

"No it's fine Latrof I can do it on my own."

"Okay then, I'll let you rest first. Lunch will be served around one. I'll send someone later to get you.''

"Okay, thank you.'' I muttered, once he left I started to unpack. I still have three hours left before one so I decided to take a nap.

"Ma'am lunch is served, sir Latrof asked me to get you."

"Okay, thank you." I just followed her as she led the way. I was thankful that Latrof sent someone to get me as I surely got lost if I was alone. Their house was like a palace.

"And the most awaited guest came, can we eat now?" The woman who was sitting on the right side of Latrof rudely remarked as soon as I set foot on the dining room

"Angellie." A middle aged woman reprimanded her and sent me an apologetic smile. Is that woman Latrof's bride because if she is then I'd rather go back home and refuse to be a part of her wedding entourage.

As I was seated a woman emerged from a room which I guessed is the kitchen carrying a tray.

"Why don't you stop acting like a maid and just sit down." That rude woman commented

"Angellie shut up you're testing my patience." Latrof said in a gritted teeth but the woman just ignored him and began to dig on her plate

"What's with this dish? It tastes awful." She said as she dropped her spoon and stood up

"I'd rather eat out, the food here is disgusting." She said and left

"I'm sorry about that Yeon Ha, just ignore her. Anyways before we eat let me do the introduction first. My mother Therese, this my fiancee Merasha Sennari Fuentes and that woman a while ago is a step cousin. Mom, hon this is Lee Yeon Ha."

"Hello nice meeting you." I said but since we're seated far from each other and I can't shake their hands I stood up and bowed at them. Thankfully that rude woman was not Latrof's fiancee

"Nice meeting you too." Latrof's mom said and smiled warmly at me

"It's a pleasure to meet you." His fiancee said and just like his mother she smiled warmly at me

"Now that the introductions done, let's eat before our meals get cold." Latrof suggested and we started to eat, keeping the conversation light. Unlike that woman a while ago I can say that Latrof's mom and fiancee were nice people. His dad died when he was still in high school.


I just stared at my phone on the bed side table, battling with myself if i'm going to give Yeon Ha a ring. It's been six day already since I saw her during her book signing event. Eight days of torture and constant debating of my mind whether to call her or not. After giving it a lot of thought I picked up my phone and dialed a number.

"Hello" The person on the other line answered on the second ring

"Hello mom, you're friends with Yeon Ha's mother right?"

"Yes why?"

"Mom can you do me a favor and ask her about Yeon Ha's whereabouts."

"Why don't you call him yourself. Why go to the trouble of asking her mom. I have Yeon Ha's number, i'll send it to you."

"Mom just do it for me please. I want it to be a surprise and it wouldn't be anymore if I ask her directly."

"Okay, okay. I'll send it to you later."

"Thank you mom, I love you.'' I happily said and hanged up

While waiting for my mother's message I began to think of what to do and say once I met her. I haven't came up with anything yet when my phone buzzed.

"Her mother said she went at the Philippines six days ago to help organize a wedding. This is the address of the house where she's currently in, Kisad Road thru Abanao Extension Corner del Pilar Street, Baguio City  . The wedding ceremony will take place two days from now."

Was the content of my mother's mail. Wedding??? Don't tell me Yeon Ha's getting married. Damn it, I still have time. I'll stop that wedding no matter what. With that in mind I called our manager and asked him if he could book a flight bound to the Philippines for me. I'm lucky as we're currently on vacation and he let me travel. Yeon Ha wait for me i'll definitely come for you and as for the groom be ready, i'll fight for her and i'll never let her be taken by you.

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