Yeah Boy, and Doll Face| 5

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Yep. Hanging out in a bar with Pierce the Veil. How macho can I get?

Well I guess I can get even more macho. Hanging out with Pierce the Veil and Kellin Quinn. Yeah. Might as well make a new trend on Twitter: #MoreMachoWithKellinandPTV. I think it can catch on.

"So, you live 'round these parts?" Kellin said in a southern accent.

I of course didn't answer, but nodded as Gage said, "Yep," popping the P. It was still kind of hard to believe that I was sitting in a booth with Vic, Jaime, Mike, Tony, and Kellin in a bar. Stuff like that just doesn't happen.

Well, at least Tony and Kellin was sitting with Gage and I. I think Ellie was getting a drink with Jaime, Mike was probably lost somewhere in the crowd, and Vic had said he had to go, so I have no clue why he wasn't back twenty minutes later.

"Kellin." Gage's hand twitched underneath the table.

I rolled my eyes. I knew what was about to come out of Gage's mouth. Even Gage was going to get crazy over Mr. Quinn across the table.


"Yeah?" Kellin tilted his head to the side. Oh poor boy. He didn't know how annoying Gage was.

"Kellin, Kellin. Kellin." Yep. Here it comes.

Kellin looked kind of confused. "What?"

"Kellin. Kellin. Kellin Quinn. Kellin Bostwick. Kellin Quinn Bostwick. KellinKellinKellin." Yep almost done. Gage took a deep breath. "Oh my god! I can't believe it's actually you! And Pierce the Veil just letting us back stage and.... yep." Okay. So that was shorter than most of his "fanguys.' That's good. He may be trying to control himself for everyone's sake. His normal fanguy was a lot of squealing and jumping around. I knew that when we got home, he would be doing that all night.

Kellin looked taken back. Tony was kind of staring at Gage. I felt like I should say something. But I didn't.

I flicked Gage's leg underneath the table and looked down at my lap. And started to hum something random. Which happened to be The Drug in Me is You by Falling In Reverse. I can't help it. It's a catchy song and the video made me smile.

'I've lost my goddamn mind

It happens all the time

I can't believe I'm actually

Meant to be here

Trying to consume

The drug in me is you

And I'm so high on misery

Can't you see?'

I think I like humming better than speaking the words out loud. You know? I don't think I've ever really tried singing. Besides mouthing the words in choir and ... I did used to have a youtube account. But i wouldn't talk. I would just sit in front of a camera with one of my guitars and start singing.

I would just sing random songs. Sometimes made up. Sometimes cover songs.

I knocked a piece of stringy black hair out of my face. I was thinking about dying it, but I don't know what color I would do. And cutting it. I hated how it was always so long and "tumbling down my shoulders" as someone posh might say.

And I'm thinking about my hair. That's great. Really. Aren't I lonely enough? I mean I'm sitting with freaking Kellin Quinn and Tony Perry!

They were talking to Gage about something totally random. I think they were talking about cute, fat baby pigs with no friends. Yeah, my brilliant brother probably brought that up.

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