Yeah Boy, and Doll Face| 8

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Gage wouldn't talk to me. He wouldn't even look at me. I tried to talk to him, but it was awkward. He wouldn't talk back. I lost him. One of the only people that makes me happy. That's just great, sarcasm intended.

I tried to tell him that we were leaving in about 30 minutes to get to the concert in time, in the next town over. He looked away from me and nodded barely.

In my opinion, I thought he was over reacting. I've been doing this for years, and he's just now noticing. It kind of hurts. That he hadn't noticed anything after all these years.

He shouldn't be so mad. Should he?

I'm not sure if i would be mad if something like this happened to my sister. If I had one. I kind of wished I did. I needed another girl friend. I loved Ellie. I swear I do, but she's not always able to be there for me. If she's with her family or traveling, she won't be there. But I also hate how needy I sound. I shouldn't have to worry about this. 

I shook my head to forget it. Gage, Ellie, and I filed into his truck and started driving to the concert venues. We left a little early so when we arrived an hour later, we sat in the car for a second. Ellie and Gage started talking and I texted the boys.

I sent a Group Message. 'Hi. idk if u remember giving us your numbers even tho it was yesterday but its remy and we're here.' It was a little long, but my thoughts ran into each other like colliding cars.

Almost immediately, I got four replys from everyone.

Jaime: 'YAY! I MEMBER YOU!!'

Vic: '(: perfect! and how could we forget'

Mike: 'awesome! and btw vics singing caraphernelia right now thnxs to u.' I laughed when I read that one. What if I can't forget you? 

Tony: 'yess! I remember you guys! where r we gonna meet?'

I sent back a reply to all of them seperately.

To Jaime: 'YAY!! YOU MEMBER US!!'

To Vic: 'r u singing caraphernelia right now'

To Mike: 'LOL is he just warming up or is it literally my fault'

To Tony: 'im not sure but i think Vic said by ur bus'

I smiled at the screen of my phone. I loved these guys. They were amazing. 

I got a group message from them instead just four, it was from Vic. 

'Jaime says YESSS. and im responding for the rest of us. I think i said to meet us by our bus and yes i am singing caraphernelia and yes it is ur fault.'

I had a permanent grin on my face as I sent: 'should we meet up now or...'


'wow demanding much' I rolled my eyes.

'(; see u then we're right at the edge of the venue just ill be waiting so youll know'

'okay' I tapped on my friends' shoulders and pointed to the door. They nodded and we all got out. 

Ellie did a cute little happy jig. "Ohmygod! I can't believe that they actually want to see us again!" She squealed.

I grinned at her. I decided to tell her, "M-maybe they c-couldn't get enough of y-you."

She grinned back. "Thanks a lot Remy. It means a lot for you to say that to me." I knew she meant it in both ways. Me speaking and me boosting her self confidence when I have none.

After a few minutes of wandering, trying to find where the buses were, we found them.

And there they were.

The sexicans.

Pierce the Veil waiting for us.

Who would've guessed this would happen to us.  

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