Yeah Boy, and Doll Face| 9

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It's still so hard to believe that Pierce the Veil wanted to hang with us. Vic and Mike Fuentes, Jaime Preciado, and Tony Perry, wanted to hang out with us, a girl who doesn't talk, a gay dude, and a hyper active artitst. 

This was a great feeling. It made me feel much better. I glanced over at Gage who was looking the other way. I sighed and looked back down at my feet. This should blow off soon. I mean, we were siblings, and siblings fought all the time. So I don't get why he could be so mad. And ignoring me wasn't going to solve anything anyways. It only made everything worse.  

Jaime was the first to see us walking up to them. He started bouncing around and waving at us. The other boys all looked over when Jaime was being crazy. I could hear them yelling our names and waving, knowing that we already knew where they were. I didn't look up, even when we reached them. We stopped in front of them. 

I could feel eyes on me but I didn't look up. Hugs were given out by Pierce the Veil, which was . . . different. I mean, not a bad different, but strange that they would want to hug us. I know they hug their fans at meet and greets, and I respect them for that. Other musicians just wave politely to their fans, not bothering to meet them or talk to them like they're better than us. That's one of the reasons I love bands. They'll actually throw theirselves into the crowds and tell you you're beautiful and amazing and reassure you that everything will be okay. And you actually believe them, despite whatthe other half of your brain is saying.  

I got a hug from Vic first. While he was huggkng me, he whispered in my ear, "What's wrong?" 

I didn't want to tell him for three reasons. 

1) We just met.

2) I didn't want to bother him with it.

3) He would get mad at me.

I knew he would. I just knew it. But I also had a feeling he would grill me about it. So I whispered back, "I-I'll tell y-you later." He nodded and then the other guys hugged me. 

"So, what are we gonna do?" Ellie asked hesitantly, rocking back and forth on her heels.

"We should just go back to the bus, eat, play video games, and eat some more until the show." Mike suggested. 

Vic shrugged and Jaime nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I'm starving!" 

"You ate less than an hour ago." Tony protested. 

"I don't care. I'm hungry!" Jaime started to run back to their tour bus, leaving the rest of us behind. 

"Whatever." Tony muttered, shaking his head. We all slowly started walking to the bus, Jaime yelling at us to hurry up from a window in the bus. 

"You know what? I'm  hungry too." Mike said, looking at Tony with a hint of defiance in his voice. 

Vic nodded, rubbing his stomach, looking at Tony, and smirking. "I am too." 

Tony turned and looked at the brothers, and groaning. "I know what you guys are doing. Don't think I don't know, 'cause I do. And I don't like it." He pointed at Vic and Mike. 

My stomach growled loudly. Man all this talk about food. I'm a huge eater and i was proud of it. Everyone turned to look at me.

"See!" Vic slung an arm over my shoulder. "Remy is hungry too! Aren't you, Remy?" He elbowed me slightly, seemingly telepathically telling me to say that I was starving. I was, not too literally, but I was pretty hungry.

I nodded with wide eyes. "Starving." I rubbed my growling stomach. No stutter.

I was once told that confidence can make a stutter go away. Maybe I should try being more confident. Would that help? 

We all scattered into different spots in the tour bus. Mike took one of the trucks to get some food with Tony and Gage, barbeque I think he said. I was cool with any food really, but I was such a messy eater. I didn't want to humiliate myself, but there was no way I wasn't eating. Barbeque was one of my favorites.

I sat on the couch, tucking my legs up under me and resting my head on the arm. Ellie and Jaime were talking about something irrelevant and watching a movie. I stared at the screen, but my brain couldn't process any of it.

Vic sat next to me. "Okay. So what's happening?" He reclined back, resting his feet on the other end of the couch and resting his head on my shoulder. "Fill me in."

"W-why do y-you care s-so mu-much?" I whispered. Confidence Remy! Confidence!

Vic was silent for a moment. "Because, if we're going to be friends for a while, I want to know what's going on in your life so I can walk with you through it. Or if it's good, make you feel even better."

I nodded. Confidence. Take chances.

So I opened my mouth and told him.    

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