Yeah Boy, and Doll Face| 11

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"S-so is it just going to be m-me and the you guys, or me, E-ellie, Ga-gage, and you guys?" I whispered to Vic. We were back on the bus, everyone was passed out cold, even crazy Jaime. 

Vic rubbed the back of his neck. "Well yeah. . . unless you want them to come with us . . . I mean, I can see if our manager will let us take them in too. I know he said yes to you . . ." I gave him a thoughtful smile. I loved my friends, I swear I did. But I really needed to get away. I sounded like a total butthole, and I guess I am, but I needed this. I needed to get away from this town. These people. This state. It was dragging me down. 

And of course I would keep in contact, I just hoped that they wouldn't hate me for leaving. 

And not telling them. I didn't plan on telling them. 

"Th-thank you." 

"No problem dearest friend of mine." I rolled my eyes. Okay then. 

"Bu-but what ab-about my things? M-my cl-clothes? My b-books? Movies? Wh-what wi-will happen t-to i-it all? I-I'm pretty sure E-Ellie and G-Gage will hate m-me and want-t to b-burn everything I-I own." 

 Vic laughed. "They wouldn't do that! They're your friends aren't they."

They wouldn't be after I left them in the morning. "Y-you don't know them v-very well th-then." I mumbled. 

He just shook his head. "You can take my bunk if you're tired, I can sleep here." I nodded, thanked him, and he showed me where it was. I laid down and thanked again. For everything.

"You--you've seriously h-helped m-me. I-it means a l-lot. B-but why?" I mean, he could've picked anyone. 

"Because," he smiled brightly and tucked the blanket up to my chin, "your an amazing person. And you intrigue me." And with that confusing remark, he left me to sleep.

I didn't fall asleep until way later, when the sun had started to come up. I had been to busy thinking of what he could mean, and how confused he had made me. 


filler. i know it sucks but this will get very interesting soon. c; and dont worry. ellie and gage will stick around, but wont show up again until.... well youll see

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