The Haunted Book and Coffee Shoppe

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She put the mop in the closet and paused at the desk. Azura peered up at her over the tops of her glasses.

“Finished cleaning that fast?”

Alice fidgeted, trying to look casual. “Yup, I’m a fast cleaner upper. I’m going to go grab some lunch across the street. You want anything?”

“I’m alright, thanks. Enjoy your lunch, take your time. I’m sure Gabriel will have everything under control if any more fairies come in.”

Alice passed through the front of the shop in time to hear Gabriel grumble to himself, “Oh sure, leave the crazy fairies for the elf. He can deal with them…”

The bell jangled as she let herself out into the cool outside air. The town was so close to the ocean that there was always a little bit of that salty smell on the breeze, and Alice inhaled deeply. It reminded her of the brief time they’d spent when the shop chose a beach town in the Caribbean. The ocean had been in walking distance and they’d spent one dreamy, sun soaked week taking shifts at the shop and lying on the yellow sands each lunch break.

She missed that, but Sidney was nice too. The shops were quaint, tightly packed together and friendly, and there was a bookstore on nearly every corner.

Alice paused on 3rd street, staring up at the green awning above “The Haunted Book and Coffee shoppe”. She decided to duck into the store briefly, just for a few minutes before lunch. There was something relaxing about walking around between the cherry wood shelves and breathing in the musky scent of old books.

There was a bust of Shakespeare in the window, surrounded by faded books and manuscripts, and Alice paused to read some of the titles. They were all very old looking, by Oscar Wilde and Edgar Allen Poe. She turned and pushed threw the door, unsurprised that there was no buzzer to great her. This wasn’t the type of store that appreciated loud noises.

There were a few other people in the shop, a young couple and a child, a little girl who seemed content to sit cross legged and read picture books in the aisle. There was also a wizened old man with a long white beard behind the front desk who beamed at her when she came in, and Alice gave him a friendly nod, turning away to look at the books lining the first row of shelves.

There was a blonde man standing by the window, facing the display of books and the Shakespear bust, he cleared his throat, staring at the statue, and said politely, “I’d like to order please.”

Alice blinked in surprise as the Shakespeare bust slowly rotated on the spot. The statue’s mouth dropped down like a hinge and it said in a low, gritty voice, “Verily, sir. What be your order?”

“Er, I’ll get a peppermint tea, please.”

The bust seemed to take a moment to register this, and then its mouth dropped down again. “Coming to you promptly, good sir.”

“Thank you.”

The blonde man turned, and Alice had her second shock of the day when she recognized the angular features and dark eyes. “Adam?”

“Alice!” Adam’s eyes lit up when he spotted her. “Hello! I meant to come by your shop after this. Wanted to see how you were doing.”

“I’m fine, thanks.” Alice pulled her sweater closed around her, wondering why she felt suddenly defensive. He was in the shop nearly across from Threads. Did that mean he was watching her?

No, he’d just said he was going to come by after. It was probably fine, he’d saved her once, hadn’t he? There was nothing to make her think he meant her any harm.

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