Return to Hogwarts

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Hermione was laying on the bed twirling her wand between her fingers as Severus brushed his teeth in the bathroom. She had her hair pulled up in a large clip so it wouldn't get in the way during "flight".

She heard the water shut off, and Severus stepped through the door closing it behind him. He moved swiftly over to the bed where he leaned over her face. His dark hair come down on all sides and Hermione reached up and pushed one side behind his ear.

"One last shag?" He asked bringing his nose down and caressing her cheek.

Hermione giggled and pushed her hand against his chest. "You have to be at McGonagall's office in ten minutes!"

"I only need three!"

"That's not very good for me!" She laughed again and pulled at his cravat to bring him back down to her. Their lips met and he began to put more of his weight on her which felt good.

He began to kiss her chin and down her neck. When he made it to her chest, he looked up at her as he began to unbutton her blouse.

"Oh no you don't mister!" She pushed him off to the side and began to sit up. "Look at you! You're like a sex crazed teenage boy!"

"You're the one that brings it out!" He growled as he moved back in to kiss her. His hand moved around her waist as he pushed his face more into hers.

They sat snogging for a few minutes before Hermione pulled away. "Darling. Mcgonagall is going to know exactly what you were doing if we're late, and I don't think she'd approve. Now let's get a move on." She stood up, and he reached up and slapped her backside causing her to gasp. "God Severus, grow up!"

"Not when I'm dating an 18 year old!"

Hermione laughed and grabbed her trunk, stepping into the fireplace. Severus reluctantly followed, grabbing a handful of floo powder as he stepped in.

"Hogwarts!" He yelled right as Hermione gripped his other hand. They twisted and turned and immediately their feet hit floor again. They stepped out into the small sitting room of Severus' private quarters. They turned to each other and he smirked as he wiped a small bit of soot off her nose.

Every time he touched her, she got chills and always wanted more. He smiled as they leaned into each other and gave a soft peck. Severus turned to look at the clock.


Hermione laughed and stepped away. "Go on. The sooner you go, the sooner you get it over with."

He seemed for some reason, excited to go and speak with the headmistress. Usually their meetings made Severus' head ache. He obviously wanted to stay and smog her, but there was something that was pulling him

"While you're gone, I'll return my trunk to the tower and go see Ginny. Then I'll meet you back down here?"

"That sounds like an excellent idea." 

He turned and walked out of the room leaving Hermione standing there in silence. She ran her fingers across her lips and smiled to herself.

She pulled herself from this happy moment and grabbed her small trunk to lug it up to the Gryffindor tower. The stairs were long and tiring a and she was completely  out of breath once she made it to the portrait hole. Just as she was about to give the password, it opened and Neville and Ginny stepped out.

"Oh god Hermione!" Ginny jumped to give her and hug and Neville laughed.

"Hello Hermione."

"Hello Neville. How was your holiday?"

"Oh just fine. Gran and I spent Christmas with my parents. I uh..." Neville went from smiling to partially ominous. "How are you feeling?"

"Oh still a little sore, but better. It's um... I try not to think about it."

He leaned over and pick up her trunk as Ginny looped her arm around Hermione's waist and they walked into the common room together. They all sat down on the couch in front of the fire for a moment in silence. Neville was the first one to open his mouth.

"So uh.... You and snape?"

"Sorry you had to find out like that Neville, but yes." Hermione tried to smile but she saw how uncomfortable he was.

"Well then I guess this is a good time to tell you that Luna and I are seeing each other."

Hermione and Ginny looked at each other and burst out laughing. Neville looked confused until Ginny spoke up.

"Oh Neville we knew! You two were meant to be together... And well, Luna told us last month!"

Neville gave a weak laugh and slouched deeper into the couch.

"You guys," Hermione said smiling widely at both of them. "It's good to be back."

Both took one of Hermione's hands and squeezed them tight as they sat for a long time in the silence.

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