Chapter 2

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"Before you were even born, the country of Lamia was in some serious trouble and they needed some help to bounce back up. Your father, being the best King of them all-" she moved her gaze to his face and I saw the slightest blush cross across is face "-helped them out. They managed to get back up just in time we began to experience the same problems they did. So they helped us out but then that left us in a small debt." She took a second to take a breath and then rushed everything out, making it hard for me to understand her. "At that moment, Vivian was moments away from giving birth to her son, and I had just found out I was pregnant with you. We decided that if you ended up being a girl, our problems would be solved if you two ended up getting married. We would join our countries and then our debts would be cleared! Aren't you excited? You're getting marr-"

"So you literally sold me to them?!"! I practically screeched and she frowned. I was beyond pissed now and I didn't care if I had just interrupted her. She opened her mouth to say something, but I held up a hand and hissed. "Don't you mother me mother! How could you sell my happiness just to make sure that none of us ever went through that again! It's not my fault that we went bankrupt before I was born and then I happen to be your relief. So having me was practically your ticket of getting out of debt card?"

"No honey-" my father began but I didn't let him finish either.

"No! Don't you father me also! Get out! Both of you get out! Now!" I screamed as the tears rolled down. " I don't want to see neither of you right now!"

They both slowly left the room and I all but threw myself to my bed, completely ignoring that I was still in a dress and probably wrinkling it. Arlene was going to kill me but I didn't care at the moment. I was too upset to even change or even think about wrinkles.

My quiet sobs were the last noise I heard before sleep won over me.





Ok so walking around in my highest stilettos while rocking an Arlene version of a maxi dress -which was basically hugging my body even more- was not as bad as I thought it would be. Of course my ankle throbbed, but somehow over the course of walking around the ballroom about five times and dancing with so many men I lost count after the ninth song, the pain went to the back of my mind and I didn't realize it until we finally sat down for dinner.

This birthday rehearsal was certainly trying to kill me before I officially became an adult and eligible for the hand of Prince Ian. Or if I was to refer him to his full name: Crown Prince Ian Matthew Jackson, Heir to the throne of Lamia, our neighboring country.

But that wouldn't be half bad at the same time. I would welcome death with arms outstretched as long as I didn't have to marry that guy.

Oh! And did I mention that as soon as tomorrow arrived, I would be engaged to so called Prince. And that it was the whole purpose of having this party for my so called single life being over before it even started?

Over my dead body.

So as my feet throbbed and begged for me to chop them off, I glanced at my mother, who was giving me her "straighten up" look and it took most of my strength not to flip her off and slouch even more. That was no behavior of a princess.

I ate slowly, favoring each bite I took before they took my plate away and replaced it with something even fancier. I had barely touched my dessert -merely just moving it around so it would seem as if I ate something- when my father stood up, looking at me for a brief second before speaking.

Oh great. I had to make a small speech of why we were here and a bunch of whole other nonsense that I didn't really care about at that moment before we would be led back to the ballroom for a brief cocktail party -where I of course would be forced to drink the bubbly water they called champagne while everyone else had their fruity concoctions. I heard the faint sound of applause and a deep clearing of a throat before I realized every single pair of eyes were on me, waiting for me to start speaking. I wobbled up, wincing as my ankle slightly gave up on me but somehow managed to remain up right without moving a hair.

"Thank you all for coming to join us for dinner tonight. Tonight, is a night for many celebrations, but not as important as two celebrations which one of them happen to be my birthday," I added the last part very rapidly-as it was not part of my speech- and earned a couple of chuckles. I smiled and shrugged a little. "It might not be until tomorrow but I feel like I already celebrated my 18 birthday with every single one of you all." A small round of applause and I continued. "But the most important celebration of them all...." I gritted between teeth. I took a deep breath, un-clenched my fists and spoke very slowly, " my engagement to Prince Ian." That earned me a few gasps and a couple of whispers and I looked at my father to see if I should continue. When he nodded, I opened my mouth to continue my speech but as I tried to continue, I found myself speechless. Literally I had no thoughts or words in my head as I heard the few whispers going on still. I closed my mouth quickly, gulped loudly -for me anyways- and looked at my father again. He nodded at my quick but silent plea for help as my mothers slight coughing caught my attention for a moment before I looked away.

I could feel her glare as he stood up while I gracefully sat back down and thanked the lords as he finished my speech with flaw. There were some congratulations whispered towards me and I just nodded, forcing a smile as I met eyes with everyone. Everyone except my mother. I could feel her eyes still digging holes into me as she tried to get my attention but failing miserably. It was a good thing there were only two bites of food in my system or else everything would be coming right back up with the feeling I was getting from her.

"Now if you will all please stand up and join me and my family at the ballroom again for more drinks and so we can carry on with our conversations."

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