Chapter 6

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The party after that went downhill. The cake was not the flavor I had wished for -instead it was my mothers wishes- and they made me dance with him. The entire time the smile was on my face, I was crying on the inside and an actual tear slipped from my eyes from holding it in too much. People got the wrong assumption and awwed. I had to take a deep breath so I wouldn't correct them and then puke my dinner out.

The worst part was that a couple of couples cornered me and Douche and basically asked us to kiss. They wanted to "see young people in love" again. Ian didn't say anything -he just stood there, pale faced and gaping at them with an open mouth. I just rolled my eyes and actually put my foot down on that request. "That's private," I snapped. "Why would you even ask us to do that?"

They quickly apologized and left us alone. I was done with all of this; my day and mood gone sour so I just left him standing there and took off my heels, not giving a damn what my mother would say. With my heels on one hand and part of my dress with the other hand, I went up to my room and slumped down in the couch.

I closed my eyes, dropped the heels next to me and groaned. Couldn't this day had gone any better? It was suppose to be one of the best days of my life: my birthday. My 18 birthday to be exact. I was now legally old enough for the throne if I really wanted it or if my parents wanted to retire early, but nooo. It was the worst day of my life: I was now freaking engaged to the most irritable man in the planet. And I knew there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening.

But that didn't mean I wouldn't stop fighting for my freedom.

I got up with a groan and stripped as I walked to my closet, leaving the dress in a pile at the door. I quickly wrapped my robe around me and got a fresh pair of undergarments with my light blue silk pajamas and hopped into the shower. My hair was stiff as I washed it and my arm ached a little as I moved it. Stupid Ian. He had to bruise my arm....

After changing, I brushed both my hair and teeth and climbed into bed, not even caring to say goodnight to my parents. It was a little over one in the morning, I was tired, cranky and ready to forget this day. A soft knock and my door opening a few minutes later made me groan and I slammed the heavy sheets away from my face.

"What?" I growled but no one answered. I sat up and almost immediately felt bad at the person standing by the door with her head down.

Margaret. My personal maid. I had told her a couple days after she started to work here that all she needed to do was knock and if the door was open, she could come in. So it wasn't her fault if I was cranky because I didn't invite her in.

"Oh. Hey Margaret. Sorry, I thought you were someone else."

"I'm sorry princess. I thought you were asleep already. I came to tidy your room but I can come back tomorrow. Good-"

"No no. That's ok. Can I talk to you while you pick up?"

"Of course," she murmured as she slowly closed the door and turned on one of the lamps on the stand next to it. I saw her immediately go to the dress on the floor and I just sighed.

"Do you think this is fair?"

"What's fair princess?"

"What have I told you?" I argued and she smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry. What's fair Charlie?"

I rolled my eyes at her choice of nickname but continued. "My forced marriage with Ian. Do you think it's fair?"

"The truth?" She asked after a moment of silence. She held both of my heels in her hands and I nodded before patting the bed so she would come closer. She sat on the edge and then sighed. "Well I think it's not fair. No one should be forced to marry someone they don't love. What's the whole point of going through the ceremony that binds two people for life?" I bit my lip and chewed on it as she spoke. I hugged myself and I saw her eyes widen as she probably caught the bruises in the dim light. "Who did that to you?"

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