Chapter 11

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I didn't talk to Ian's parents at all after that. In fact, I didn't leave my room at all unless it was necessary -which was only when food came around. So I had no idea if his parents had even talked to him about her, or if they were waiting for me to say something. And if they were waiting for me, well then they will be waiting for a long time people cause that was not my job!

I finally knew that Ian had called it off when I heard a loud, piercing scream followed by what sounded like a cheek being slapped. Heavy stomps were heard and then my door swung open revealing a crying May.

"I hope you're happy you rotten stealing boyfriend princess! You will NEVER be happy with him!" And with that, she stormed off, slamming the main door so hard, I felt it vibrating from where I was.

Wow. Attitude much, no?

I just shrugged and continued looking down through the brand new magazine, stating that the Royal wedding was taking place tomorrow in the Royal Church and then followed by a private -invitation only- party in the palace. I was halfway into reading what the people thought my dress was going to look like when someone knocked heavily on my already opened door and I looked up.

"What do you want?" I barked at him.

"What did you tell my parents?" he hissed at me from the doorway.

"Nothing. They just thought that you had to stop cheating on your wife. Don't want to ruin your chances at getting the crown huh?" I murmured as I looked down and pretended to read. I heard him come closer and then the magazine was ripped from my hands.

"I don't believe you. You told them something that made them tell me to break up with May. You ruined my only chance at happiness!"

"And you ruined MINE!" I screamed back as I stood up. I looked up at him, not an ounce intimidated by our sizes and continued to yell. "If it weren't for our stupid parents, we wouldn't be in this mess! But there is nothing we can do about it now! We singed a freaking contract! We are married for a whole year and then we are done! So suck it up like a big boy and at least pretend you like me. Because either if you like it or not, you are stuck with me for the rest of the year!"

He glared at me for a while before he walked away, slamming my door shut. I slumped back down on my chair and took a deep breath, a headache starting to form. Oh why, oh why was I stuck in this life?......




A loud noise that I had never heard before made me scream and jump out of my bed. With wide eyes, I looked everywhere until they landed on a grinning Arlene who held a air horn in her hand. "Good morning sleeping ugly! It's your wedding day!"

"Ugh. It's not even six yet. Wake me up when the sun is ACTUALLY out," I groaned as I plopped back into bed. I closed my eyes and was seconds away from falling back asleep when my sheets were taken away and I heard my mothers voice.


"Charlotte Penelope Mae! Get your royal ass right out bed and in the shower! It's your wedding day and we have tons to do!"

"But I'm already married!" I groaned as multiple hands pushed me up. My feet dragged on the floor as I felt some hands underneath my armpits pulling me to the bathroom, where a bath was already drawn.

"Not by church. Now strip before I do it for you."

"Am I going to get paid?" I joked and she glared at me. I laughed, yawned and raised an eyebrow. "Well am I going to get privacy or not?"

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