Chapter 7

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"It had to be you. You can't watch where you are going?"

"This is my house. You should watch where you are going!"

I gasped and winced as he grabbed me in the exact same spot the bruises were. He didn't seem to notice because he just squeezed tighter until I was practically begging for him to release me. The hallway was cricket quiet except the sound of my begging and the occasional whimper as I tried to pry him off. When I was sure my arms were going to fall off, he dropped me harshly and walked away, stomping as he mumbled words to himself. I just stayed on the floor, crying and nursing my throbbing arms, thankful that I could at least still feel them. If he had held on for another minute, I think it would have been bad.

As I cried on the floor, my mind started to imagine the future. I saw me, crying and bruised up as he beat me up, just like he was doing at the moment. I would never go out, too afraid to show my purple and yellow skin to the world and of course he would just blame it on my stunts. He would probably -no definitely- have a mistress behind my back and I would just be too stupid to say anything to him. My mind and body just shuddered, immediately blocking out whatever future I imagined with him. I knew I couldn't let this go on any further. This stupid engagement had to end. And it had to end now!

With shaking legs, I got up and completely ignored the plan I had before of watching a movie. Instead, I turned around and ran as best as I could to the main office where I knew my parents would be. I didn't even bother knocking as I pushed open the heavy double doors and cried out as my arms throbbed with the pressure.

"How dare you walk in without knocking!? Didn't we teach you better?" my mom spat as she quickly stood up from besides my dad. They were both behind the big mahogany desk that was especially made for them while Ian's parents were in front with Douchebag himself. I sent a glare in his direction before sending it to my parents.

"I can't do this! I won't be married to a person who will abuse me!"

"What in the world are you talking about?" My dad asked, ignoring my tears. I held up both of my red arms and his eyes narrowed on the black bruise on my left one.

"He did this to me. I won't be married to him and that's final! I don't want to be stuck with a boy who will only hurt me instead of love me!"

Ian scoffed and rolled his eyes as his parents gasped. "How do we even know he did that to you? You are always doing  your stupid stunts and you're always injuring and bruising yourself. Explain that."

I couldn't believe my own mother would say that. True I was reckless with the stunts, but I -almost- always told the truth. Well when it mattered I did. And this was one of those times. "They are shaped in his handprint! You can fucking see them!?"

I walked closer to her and moved my arm back and forth so she saw the palm-print and the long fingers. Her eyes narrowed and she touched it, making me hiss. Didn't she understand it hurt!?!

"One of the guards could have held you too tight without you even noticing. Just because it looks like a handprint it doesn't mean he did it. You're just trying to get out of the marriage Charlotte. But there is nothing you can do to get out of it."


"No buts!" She yelled in her queen voice. I looked over at my dad with tears running down my face and he shook his head. I turned to see Ian's parents looking at me with a scowl and Ian himself had a giant smirk. I just looked back at my parents and let out a sob.

"I fucking hate you!" And I ran. I heard many gasps and my dad yelling out my name, but I didn't stop. I just kept on running and running until I reached my room and locked the door. I threw myself in my bed and cried. Cried because they didn't believe me, their own daughter. Cried because my freedom was gone and now I was going to be stuck with that abuser for who knows how long. I cried because.... well because I was tired of keeping my emotions to myself but when I finally let them out, they were ignored.

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