Chapter 15

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I didn't see him at all for the rest of the day. I spent my entire time inside, trying not to die of boredom as I wandered around the small cottage. This is what I found out: there were two other rooms exactly like the one I was staying at, a library and a an office. And that was it. There wasn't anything else besides the small dining room, the living room and the kitchen.

After practically memorizing the place, I found myself in a routine that I hadn't noticed: Eat whatever I could find in the fridge. Take a nap. Shower and walk up the hill to get to the palace. Stay in the palace for the remainder of the day and go back after dinner. Repeat the next day.

Pretty exciting huh?

I hadn't seen Ian since that day at the stables. We were pretty much avoiding each other, and his parents -well his mother- noticed that because after the first week, she placed her foot down and said something.

"You know you two are suppose to be in your honeymoon, right?" Queen Vivian murmured as she kept her eyes on her soup. My spoon stayed floating in the air as I looked up at her while she kept eating.

"Excuse me?"

She dropped her spoon soundlessly next to her, -indicating she was done- and wiped her mouth. "You and Ian are suppose to be in your honeymoon. But you spend more time in this palace than in the cottage. If the paparazzi ever caught you, they would know something is wrong."

I drop my spoon as well and ignored the small salad they placed in front of me. "You know we don't even like each other. This is all fake. So why do we have to be stuck in a small enclosed space pretending to be in love when we are not."

She sighed and shook her head. She was still for a few minutes until she quickly looked up and smiled. "Excuse me." She quickly stood up and walked away, leaving me alone in the big table. Of course, Ian was who knows where and the King was currently traveling with my father so he wasn't present.

"Do you wish for the next course Charlie or are you done?" Margaret murmured behind me and I slumped down in the big chair.

"Nah, I'm done. Wait what's for dessert?" She quickly disappeared to the kitchen and returned with two small plates. She placed them in front of me and I felt myself sit up right as I saw the strawberries and chocolate in front of me. "You know me too well."

She smiled, nodded and was about to step behind me when I grabbed her hand. "Is something wrong?" I shook my head and pointed to the seat next to me. She sighed, looked around the room and then plopped herself down with a happy sigh. "Thank you Charlie."

"No problem. Now can I tell you something? And you must take this to the grave. No one, and I mean no one can know about this."

Her eyes widened and she slowly nodded. "I swear." Without looking up at her, I quickly but quietly blurted out what had happened that day a week ago and she gasped. "What? Are you sure?"

I looked up at her with wide eyes and nodded mutely. "Oh I'm sure. Our birthday suits were on display and I was sore on-" She quickly held up her hands and looked away.

"Okay that is something I don't want to know about. No matter how much you beg me." I actually cracked a smile and she sighed. "Is that why you two have been avoiding each other?"

I shrugged. "Basically. I mean we are in good terms.... Sort of but we don't want to be around each other if that makes any sense....."

"Did.... Did..... Did you guys.... Umm use...." She couldn't even finish her sentence and even if she could, I would have stopped her. Gah was this embarrassing!!!

"I don't know. Like I said I don't even remember anything."

She looked around and then got closer to me. "Do you think...." She trailed off and then motioned with her hands on her abdomen. My eyes widened again and I shook my head.

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