Chapter 16

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"You must be fucking kidding me," I grumbled under my breath as we stood in front of the bedroom. Ian had growled and stomped off who knows where, while I still stood frozen in the single bedroom the cabin had.

Yes, I said single. And I also said cabin. No we weren't in the middle of some woods; but we were in the middle of a fucking snowstorm. Apparently, we were in who knows where, where it snows two inches of snow every three hours and to get to the cabin, you had to ride a snowmobile. Oh, and if you wanted company, you had to drive back into the town that was ten miles away, so that was great.....

It hadn't even been an hour since we had arrived. The private jet actually left us about ten minutes away from the cabin, but it left not soon after because of the damn weather. I was surprised the pilots could actually navigate the flying machine through this weather, but that didn't mean I was content with them leaving us here. Our ski driver disappeared as soon as we stepped off the vehicle, and after a quick scan, I noticed we didn't have any other type of transportation available in the premises. When we noticed that it was a cabin, the scowl that had been on our faces only deepened but our quickly freezing bodies made us go inside nevertheless.

We took -well I took- a quick tour of the place, and noticed that everything was stocked. Food and drinks for two weeks, a pile of wood next to the burning fireplace. A small living room that connected with the dining room and the kitchen. There was a small hallway right next to the kitchen that led you to three doors, and that was pretty much it.

As I walked down the hallway to inspect it, that's when Ian began to follow me and I just shook my head. One of the doors was a closet filled with cleaning supplies and more wood. The other one was half a bathroom and then the last one was the single room.

"Stupid parents," I hissed and shook my head. I walked back to the front, ready to make a phone call when I remembered they told us that we wouldn't have any type of electronics. Fuck....

"Well we can deal with everything later. Right now, I'm starving. Do you want any food?" Ian's voice drifted from the kitchen and I slowly stumbled my way to him. My arms wrapped unconsciously around me as I watched him stand in front of the fridge, looking at everything without paying attention to me.

"I'm not that hungry. I'll be fine with an apple," I murmured and I saw him nod. The bright red fruit appeared on his hands a few seconds later, and he quickly threw it at me, making me shriek as my reflexes kicked in.

"Sorry," he chuckled when I barely caught it and continued poking in the fridge. I just went back to the living room and plopped down on one of the two couches that were near the fireplace. My eyes caught a small stack of books on the coffee table, but I was too lazy to get up and get them. "It sucks for you."

I looked up at the sound of his voice, my hand freezing for a second as I brought the apple up to my mouth. "What sucks?" The crunch from the apple resonated through the room, and I almost groaned in delight as the juices flowed down my throat. He poked his head out a few seconds later with two sandwiches in hand and took a big bite.

"You can't wear dresses in this kind of weather."

I rolled my eyes and shrugged. "I actually hate dresses. So I am happy I don't have to wear those huge sacks."

He paused as he looked at me like if I had spoken another language. "What? You don't like dresses???"

I shook my head as I took another bite. "I prefer pants or shorts. Arlene is the one who makes me wear dresses. She knows I hate them and will burn them if she turns her back to me. But since she likes to torture me, it doesn't bother her as long as she can make me some more." I shudder at the thought of new dresses.

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