Chapter 3

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The bright morning sun streaming from my window as someone opened up the curtains made me hiss and hide away like a vampire.

"Turn it off!!" I hissed at whoever was there and I heard a snort. I slowly lowered my sheets, winced as the light blinded me and then glared at Arlene who was standing there, hands on her hips. "Are you here to kill me or what?" I snapped as I slowly sat up, not even caring if I had bed hair. I yawned, stretched and groaned as I felt certain joints pop from sleeping in one position too long.

"Yes. Pretty much since you're going to hate me for the rest of the day."

It took me a second to remember what day it was, but once my foggy brain cleared up, I gasped and practically flew out the bed and to her side. "Oh my! It's my birthday! And I get to see my dress!" I squealed and she raised an eyebrow.

"My, my. Charlie wanting to wear a dress? Never thought I would live to see the day!"

I rolled my eyes and gave her my puppy dog eyes. "Can you please show it to me? I know it's blue, so that's why I'm excited."

"No. Now go get that crows nest and trash breath taken care of. Your breakfast is sitting there-" she said, pointing with a manicured nail to the tray sitting on one of the two tables sets I had in my room "-and you have exactly two hours to get everything done. After that, your ass is mine and then you're off to your party."

I actually listened to her and ran to the bathroom. I quickly brushed the tangles out of my hair and then stepped into the warm spray. After using my favorite and one of a kind shampoo, I quickly put on a light, summer red dress and left my hair out to dry naturally. I was in the middle of munching on some toast when the door flew open and Arlene stepped in with her crew behind.


"Umm...." I mumbled with my mouth full. She grimaced and I smiled after I swallowed and wiped. "Can I eat while I get my mani-pedi and hair done?"

"No." And with that, the tray disappeared, including the full Nutella toast I was saving for the end.

"Evil designer," I mumbled under my breath as I walked to my bathroom to brush my teeth. As soon as I stepped back out, I was ambushed and slammed -not really- back into a chair and the process began.

Getting ready is so not the way movies make it seem like it is. The actress is all comfortable and shit as she sips on a drink someone has on hand a call away. Her headphones are on and that avocado mask on her face is what keeps her distracted from everything going on around her. Ha ha oh how I wish that were real.

Instead, my ass is numb from sitting down on this uncomfortable chair for the past three hours and I can't move a muscle. Arlene doesn't trust me with the avocado face masks anymore because one time, I ended up eating it off, cucumbers included. Instead of music being blasted into my ears so only I could hear, the room was filled with the chatter of the crew and the sharp instructions of how Arlene wanted me to look. That magical drink only came when Arlene couldn't handle my whining anymore -and that was an hour ago. My skin was raw from all the scrubbing and I swear I had lost all my hair with all the pulling and hairspray I felt being done in my head. As the makeup artist took his turn -being careful to not bother the hair stylist who was still spraying the air with the chemicals- I wiggled my toes and fingers, trying to get some feeling back into them.

"Is this almost over? I can't feel my body."

"Good. That means we are doing our job."

I sighed and practically thanked the guy who was caking my face as he sneaked me a drink of water when no one was looking. He just winked and whispered, "Your lips are dry," before continuing.

After five torturous hours and one small headache later, I was finally able to stand only to be led to another room. I could faintly hear the chatter of the guests who were already here and my heart started to race as I thought of what was about to happen.

I was actually turning 18. I could take over the throne now if I wanted. The smile that was on my face stayed as people stripped me down from my dress and then carefully placed the huge gown over my head. I didn't dare look -wanting to see the entire ensemble at the same time- and after a few tugs here and there, another swipe of a brush against my lips and then me balancing on one foot for a second as they placed some heels on me, I was finally ready to see myself.

"I have really outdone myself," Arlene congratulated herself as the team moved the mirrors around me. I smiled and she actually smiled back before I turned and gasped.

The first thing that caught my eyes was the gown. The gown itself was strapless, with a sweetheart top. The bodice was tight, but it flared out into a small poof at the bottom, creating the essence of a cloud. It was an ocean blue from top, but the color faded down to a white. There were a few trinkets of diamonds here and there, giving it its spark and I actually twirled, a giggle escaping my lips. My makeup -although it seemed heavy when he was doing- was simple, but strong enough to go well with the dress. It was a simple smoky navy eyeshadow and then he used a ton of mascara to bring out my natural long eyelashes. My lips were a peachy color -seeming like if I wasn't wearing any lipstick- and the blush was natural aka from me. My hair had been pulled to my right side, but picked up into a loose, but elegant bun with a few lose ends on the side. A couple of curls were left out and small diamonds were inserted loosely as well, so not to overpower the tiara I had on.

All in all, I looked gorgeous.

"You really did outdo yourself today Arlene. I think this is your best creation yet."

"Ah not yet! Wait until later on when we change you into your second dress and that's when you can say I'm the best again," she grinned and then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I yelled out, not even looking at the door. I heard it open, someone gasped but I was too busy twirling and laughing at my dress. I faintly heard the door close and then a few seconds later, a deep clearing of someone's throat.

Wow. That was annoying. I turned around to see and yell at who had done that, but my words got stuck at the person that I saw standing there. My eyes widen as I saw a boy around my age -maybe a year or two older- wearing a black tuxedo. It suited him perfectly -I won't lie- but what found me gasping, frowning and glaring at the same times was the Royal sash with the family crest he was wearing.

Prince Ian.

I was about to ask him why he was here, but then I remembered the events of yesterday and I gasped. I had completely forgotten about that.

I was engaged to him now.

Her hair-do is the picture above. Couldn't really describe it lol 😁

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