My Rejection is Your Redemption 1

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Wet damp air hit my nose strongly as I fluttered my eyes open. The commotion upstairs told me the party's still on fire. My heart throbbed non-stop for the umpteenth times this week.

I dejected the full moon season.

For the first time Alex didn't torture me. Maybe because the party. Today was his 18th birthday so he officially became the Alpha and not just any but pure blood Alpha. The strongest and most powerful.

While I was his mate, well ex-mate since a few days ago he rejected me. I tried to ease the burning inside me and thought of excuses as him leading the biggest pack in whole world, he didn't need a weakling as his mate.

But it didn't help. I was limp ever since because of the trauma my wolf tried to take, so that my body wouldn't suffer so much but even with that the pain was most excruciating as hell.

Why? If he's worried about an heir, I just gave birth to three boys one year ago. If I was such a disgrace he could just banish me out of the pack like our dad- uh my step dad intended to do two years ago.

But no he still raped me, tormented me, and made my life as worthless as it could be.

Pulling the poor excuse of blanket all over my head as if all the pain would go away, I looked at my triplets. They're snoring and I let out a shaky, relieved breath.

"I'm sorry you all have to go through this." I whispered.

They whimpered trying to snuggle closer to me. Oh my little angels, you're the only reason I was still alive all this time.


"Wake the fuck up." a growl made my eyes snapped open. I weakly sat up to find my ex-mate in his usual suit standing at the door.

The cell was dark and small but his presence never wavered and still emitted elegance around him.

He had the appearence even the goddess mouthwatered. No kidding, he had to be her favorite because this man was perfect in every aspects.

Muscled, tanned body like he had been working out (and he did) he was 7'1 towering my 5'9. His chiseled jaw, sculpted nose and sharp piercing grey eyes completed his godly face.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" his husky deep voice growled once again sending shivers down to my spine.

I whimpered, lowering my head.

"Where're they?"


As if sensing my confusion, he clicked his tongue. "Where's my pups?"

The timing couldn't be worse as my boys started to yelp happily at the sound of their father.

He paced closer and pulled the cover off me. Blushing at my nakedness, my eyes widened in horror when he grabbed Gale, Harry and Peter.

"N- n no wait!" a slap echoed through the room. My nose bleed angrily but I didn't bother. My mother instinct kicked me- he wanted to take my children away!!

My wolf, Ariana woke up and she growled with the little strength she had.

He snorted. "What mutt like you could do? My pups deserve better mother than you." his eyes were in pure disgust.

"P- please please! Please!! I'll do anything.. Just don't t- take them away I can't live without them.." I wailed and my words coming out in stutter. Tears streaming down my bruised bloody face.

"From tomorrow on, you're casted out from Black Tribe pack."

No no no no!!! He can't do this to me!!

Some guards flashed a sympathy look but changed into stoic expression immediately.

Walking out of the prison, they all left me kneeling on the floor.

What did I do wrong?

Alex once was my best friend, loving big brother. It all changed when the woman he called mom accused me for attempting a murder on her.

Why didn't anyone listen to me?

Why was my life so fucked up?

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