My Rejection is Your Redemption 7

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Alice's POV

Red. That's all I'm seeing right now, with my right eye. The left one was numb and maybe had gone blind but I couldn't careless.

Alex wiped his hands with a handkerchief, his eyes never left me and stared with his usual hateful glare.

"Pathetic." he snorted while I flinched, my thighs were quivering from the cold and pain. He fucked me raw, senseless till I fainted.

"I can't believe how I can be paired with such a thing."

Again tears escaped my eyes and I bloodily cried. "Why? I love you Alex.. I love you.."

"And I don't." he sounded so cold. Oh Alex, what had that monster said to you? "I'd rather be dead than to be with something like you."

"You're going to regret all this Alex.." I softly said, afraid to anger him more. "Please, I don't want you to regret this.."

"Ha, AS IF!" he laughed humorlessly. "Forever I'll hate you Alice. In eternity I'm not going to regret a second of this. I'm having so much fun and I can't wait to break the disgusting man who tried to kill my beloved mom!"

Giving up, I complied to calm him. "Whatever I did I'm sorry-"

"Whatever?!" shit.

He grabbed my collar. "You piece of shit tried to kill my mom!!" without holding back, he punched my ribs and I could hear crack. "I trusted you, I believed in you! I treated you like a brother, I loved you as my mate and look how you broke that all!!" each word was coming along with a hit as he was at the end of his speech I barely managed to stay conscious.

".. I.. sor.. y.." choking on my own blood, I hazily met his eyes. What saddened me the most was how they're filled with betrayal, anger. So, so much anger.

"You're very lucky, you know that?" he whispered and threw me to the wall. The impact was great and finally I succumbed to the darkness. But not without one last thought.

Why didn't you believe me?

I gasped, my chest felt tight. Everything was dark and I blinked many times wishing to wake up. Unless this all wasn't a dream.

What if this all was unreal? My freedom, Joy, they're all just a mere dream I had been wishing of.

No, no! Please let it not be a dream, let it be real please goddess!! I sobbed. Trying to scream but I was mute, I was broken.

Someone, someone save me.. Please kill me! I don't wanna be alive if I'm going back to that cell!!

All I could think of was Joy. Her laugh, her smile. That's what brought me to the light whilst I'd been living in this darkness for way too long.

You must be happy right, Alex? You succeed.

You broke me to the point there's nothing left.


I was awake from Joy's crying for food. Sighing, I rubbed my tired eyes and walked to the crib. She almost instantly stopped the moment her eyes landed on me.

Hey there sunshine, I hope today will be another great day.

Saying a pray while holding her had become my habit, it always worked anyway. She had this magic on me like when I was sad, the thought of her would cheer my day. Or when I had nightmare, she would be the one to save me, like just now.

After feeding Joy who had gone back to sleep, I typed a message to Hope asking her to watch my baby again tonight. But before I could press send, someone knocked my door.

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