My Rejection is Your Redemption 9

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Dedicated to Zingiberaceae thank you for your being the first to comment! I am motivated to update faster so here we go!ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ

Author's POV

A scream echoed through the room. The next second the door was slammed open.

"What's wrong?!"

Alex panicked when seeing the bed was empty. "Alice!" he yelled the name repeatedly until his eyes spotted a bulge cowering in the corner of the room. The man was hiding behind the curtain.

"Alice." letting out a relieved sigh, Alex made his way very slowly. "Baby, it's okay. No one will hurt you anymore."

He screamed again with pure horror in his eyes as Alex managed to get three feet away from him. Arms covered his head as if he was about to receive a hit.

From where he stood now, Alex could see how terrible he was shaking. The doctor and nurses stood beside the bed which was in the middle of that enormous room, afraid they would scare him. At the door were the boys, standing with pale face and tears.

All of sudden yellow liquid was spreading from the bottom of his shirt to the floor. Realizing the mess his eyes glinted in more fear than before.

Alex gaped when that man immediately bent over toward his urine. Grimacing, he quickly grabbed him before his tongue could touch the dirty floor but touching him only worsened the situation.

Alice cried at his lung as he fought hard to be freed while Alex struggled to keep holding him. From other's point who didn't know the story, it's as if he was possessed.

"Alice, listen-! Alice!"

A heart shattering screech echoed through the whole building.

"Boys! Get to your rooms!"

They stared at the scene with tears and mixed feelings. Sadness, teror, frightened, and many more.

"Now!" Alex growled in his Alpha tone.

They scurried outside and went to Gale's room. He's the oldest.

"What do we do?" Harry soothed his little brother, Peter.

"Nothing." Gale said after locking the door so no one could barge in.

"Mom is-" Peter sobbed. "He seemed fine yesterday, Gale. He seemed-" the boy choked with tears. "We did this to him. Dad might have rejected him but so did we. We broke his heart!"

Peter was the most sensitive among them while Harry was tender and Gale was a quiet yet caring one.

"Let's ask dad so we can visit him everyday." Gale stood up. "That way may be mom can open his heart more."

"That's a great idea!!" Peter screamed happily.

Harry had a huge grin on his face. "Let's wait until he get back."

Meanwhile Alex was trying to calm Alice down to no avail. Finally the doctor had no choice but to give him a sedative.

"Clean the room. Tell Marie to bring lunch." they all nodded as he made his way to the bathroom.

He stripped Alice and that's when he spotted the scars on his body. He grimaced seeing some were from him back then but he didn't recognize the rest.

Then he remembered the diary.

Alex gritted his teeth in utter anger. If that bitch didn't die, I'd have ripped her throat!!

He filled the big tub with water then poured the whole bottle of soap liquid. Vanilla scent was thick with sweet scent coming from Alice.

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