My Rejection is Your Redemption 8

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Peter's POV

"I want to hold her!"

Sarah chuckled and sat in front us. We stared in awe as our little sister's lips moved cutely.

"Don't be too noisy boys, your sister's in dreamland."

I nodded eagerly and stared at my big brothers who stared back, we had a cheshire grin on our faces.

We loved Joy, our baby sister. She had black eyes like mine but she didn't resemble any of us because she was adopted like Uncle Sam said. Whatever, we loved her so much.

Suddenly she cried.

"Why is she crying?" I panicked.

Harry looked very worried. "Is she sick?"

"Or hungr-" Gale tensed beside us.

I and Harry turned to see mom at the door. He was peeking into the room, his eyes stared in horror at Sarah who got up and bowed respectfully.

"It's my honor, Luna. I'm Sarah, the head of housemaid." mom only kept his eyes on our sister. "Do you need something, Luna?"

He pointed Joy whose crying was harder each second passed. Sarah walked closer to him and mom hid behind the door more. She handed Joy and her crying immediately stopped.

Mom stepped away in hurry then stopped five meters from us. He raised his shirt and Joy sucked mom's chest. Everyone except me stared in awe.

"What're you doing, mommy?" he flinched away at my voice. I got sad as Harry patted my back.

"Mom's giving Joy milk because she's hungry."

"Really?" I turned to Sarah and she nodded. I looked at mom in awe. "That's really cool!"

Mom watched us warily but kept feeding our sister.

"Hey guys- Whoops!" Sam came into the room and as soon as he saw mom, he turned around with red face. In the other hand, mom shrieked and bolted out using the other door.

"Mommy!" I wanted to run after him but Harry held my hand and shook his head.

"You're dead, Sammy." I turned to my dad's beta.

"C'mon, Sarah! I didn't know Luna's in the room.."

She sighed. "True. Just let's hope Alpha's in good mood."

That got me thinking. Where's dad?


Alex's POV

"Daddy!" I groaned as soon as something heavy landed on my stomach.

"What is it Peter?" rubbing my sleepy eyes, I turned to find Alice was nowhere to be seen.

"Joy was asleep and suddenly she cried! We didn't know what to do but then mommy came and he feed her with his chest! Daddy can you do that? Can you feed with your chest?"

I was dumbfounded. Obviously my brain was bad in the morning.

"Dad, what he's saying is man can't produce milk like a woman but mommy can." Gale said and I just realized my three musketeers were here.

After processing his words I smiled and nodded my head slowly, showing that I finally understand them.

"That's because he's your mother and my mate. He's special."

"Dad," turning to Harry I arched my brow with a questioning smile. "Uncle Sam said he wanted to talk to you. Something about Crow Bridge pack."

"Okay, thank you, son." he smiled and walked outside, taking Peter with him.

Gale was still standing silently at the door as if he wanted to talk to me alone. Probably noticed my curious look, his face changed into serious expression.

"Mom still hates us right?"

My breathing stopped. Literally.

"Why did you say that?"

"Anyone who sees him will know right away, dad. I'm not blind, I can see how he's distancing himself from even harmless Peter." Gale gritted his teeth. "It's painful and frustating to be like this. I can do nothing while Harry also Peter are hurting."

Once again, I was dumbstruck at how mature he had become. Getting up from the bed I walked closer to him then kneeled.

"It takes time. I'm so sorry you three have to experience this from my foolishness and I am paying for rejecting your mom and also torturing him. But I promise, Gale, that as long as I'm breathing I will make him accept us then we can be happy than ever."

His eyes were staring deeply into mine like they were digging into my soul, searching for any hint of lie or false hope or whatever it was. Not finding it he nodded and hugged me tightly which I did the same.

After he got out to follow his brothers, I sighed and looked at the clock. My eyes widened. I slept for almost six hours!

These past years I'd never had any good sleep without any nightmare. Now I had a dream about me and Alice, living in our house with our children. He had the biggest smile, his eyes sparkled with happiness.

Although it's only my mere dream right now, I would make it come true. Whatever it took just to see him smiling was definitely worth it.

But what's with this heaviness in my heart?

Why am I so anxious?

Why am I always feeling afraid of losing him so much?

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