My Rejection is Your Redemption 10

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Alice's POV

Seconds turned into hours. Hours to days, days to weeks and without slipping from my awareness, I had been in this "monstrous" mansion they called pack house yet I recognized as my prison for seven months.

Seven wasn't a small number. How many times I tried to suicide or got those fucking panic attacks that I couldn't even get one tiny second of sleep.

And now that I gave up trying to run away, besides I couldn't leave Joy let alone thought about running away without her, as usual I sat in the dark corner while Peter cooed my daughter in their play as animal doctor. Harry was busy concentrating in writing something which I guessed was his homework. Diligent enough.

Then my eyes drifted to the last boy, the oldest who also had been staring at me. Our eyes met yet instead of looking away as I usually did I kept my stare completely drowning into his black eyes.

It didn't take a genius to realize how lonely and sad he was but from how I came to realize these past weeks, no one seemed to see how it was beneath the stoic expression he kept wearing.

Blind. They were blind. If not, then why they said Gale would definitely become the best future alpha even when no one knew how he felt about leading this pack? Why did they say he was the most reliable when he's most vulnerable inside? Or how lucky he was despite knowing the horrible truth about.. the past?

Nothing had changed since I left except for Alex and his children since they had realized their mistakes, they thought more clearly. But the pack, their heads remained clouded with power and lust, their eyes couldn't see the truth even if it was boldly thrown over them. They saw what they wanted not wht they had to.

How could I say something like this? If you took a moment, just one second to observe your surroundings and cleared your heads with those desires then you could see as much as I did. And it was more obvious when someone said about preaparing a war with Crow Bridge pack.

After that Alex held an open meeting with those elders. From that event I concluded that they had been trespassing this pack's land although they had been warned previously.

When Elizabeth Swayn, an omega because her wolf died during her first shift, was kidnapped they saw it as a chance to start a war and reasoned it to the alpha as revenge for her since they cared about her.

I almost laughed, I swore. Cared? She was bullied! Just like me but not as horrible as I was.

War wasn't somehing you should be proud of. It was a moment of loss. Mass of it. And it would end up bloody and even never ended. The hatred and pain would be passed generation to generation and eventually ruined them.

But like those power hungry leech they were, no one cared about that. They wanted to be strongest and because this pack was, they wanted everything feared them. They wanted to rule the world.

And I couldn't careless. Let Alex be the one to bear with them and he seemed stressed with the burden. And also with me but I didn't think too much about me and him.

"Mom?" among the laughters of my daughter and Peter, a timid voice broke my trance.

My eyes blinked and I realized I had been staring at him way, way too long.

The boy played with his fingers and shifted in his seat on the bed. He looked like he regretted calling me since I turned away from him. Regret and hurt.

Sounds of bones cracking and shirt ripping slipped away from my consciousness so I was so shocked that I jumped a little when a wet and a little rough substance licked my hand.

It was a pitch black wolf, the size was huge but not bigger than Alex's. Still, he surprassed those adults even warriors wolves. He's that huge.

Whining because of my reaction, he laid on his stomach while his head rested on his paws. Those eyes teared up and as much as I wanted to stay away from them, as much as I wanted to keep my distance so I would never have to feel pain and hurt, I loved them. I loved my boys like I loved Joy. Always.

Very slowly I reached out my hand and caressed his head. His eyes widened so wide and his stance stiffened. I frowned at this reaction, did he not want me to touch him?

As I removed my hand, he immediately let out a loud pitiful whine and I also heard gasps from around us. That's when I realized Harry and Peter was watching us closely, their jaw hanging and hope shone from their eyes. Those stares shifted to me like they were urging me to do something so I did.

I caressed Gale again and this time he leaned into my touch. Suddenly there're another sounds of ripping and bones cracking so fast that before I could register there're a deep brown wolf with black stripes on his back and a dark grey wolf cornering me. They're as huge as Gale's.

The grey one that I recognized as Peter's licked my face and I was surprised that I wasn't bothered by it. I was terrified of werewolves since.. then. Harry put his head on my lap as I rubbed his furs with my other hand while I was still caressing Gale who had come closer and now was burying his snout in my neck, inhaling deeply.

Harry joined his brothers and soon I was being licked all over my face and neck by the three of them. I chuckled, feeling so content after all this time. Then all of sudden they're gone and feeling disappointed I opened my eyes to find them in their human forms. They seemed hesitant but before anyone could say anything, I pulled all of them in a big hug.

Sobbing and saying "sorry"s filled the room and I shushed them in gentle manner. I took my time to deliver my hidden love to them through my eyes, looking at them with so much affection I could muster.

They're children. They made mistakes. But I was so drowned in my own misery that without me realizing I had been the one hurting them.

I wanted to apologize. To say how much I loved them with my every existence.

But I couldn't. I was mute and broken, I shouldn't bound them to myself who had nothing left, who could do nothing but being broken and hurt them.

And just like before, I hated myself.

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