My Rejection is Your Redemption 4

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Alex's POV

It hurt. Like an itch you couldn't scratch no matter how deep you buried your claws. Yesterday night ended up bloody, I fought off many rogues to distract my mind. Now here I was, sitting in my office. The melancholy came back.

Sighing, I got up and walked towards the children's bedroom. Before I got a chance to knock, their voices was heard with my hearing.

"I wanna see mom.." it's Peter. His muffled sobs made my heart clench.

Opening the door a bit, I caught a glimpse of Harry hugging his brother's shoulder. "Me too, Pete. Me too."

"Dad said he's going to bring mom back." Gale grabbed Peter's hand. "Let's wait and believe in him."

The sight was too painful for me, so closing the door I dejectedly left the building.


When I came to my senses, I found myself standing in the darkness. My soles felt like touching cold water.

Where's this?

The next second a blinding light make me scruntinize my eyes and the room was as bright as sun.

Yet the only thing caught my attention was the female figure in front of me.

I must say she's very beautiful with her slim figure and skin as white as a chalk. Her attire reminded me of Greek goddess dyed in black. Her blond hair was long and smooth-looking, it reached her thighs. Her lips curved down, and if only she put a smile her beauty will surprass any, except Alice's.

"Who're you?

"My name is Syera."

"You're a dark witch."

"Correct." her eyes showed deep sorrow that brought familiar pain in my heart. "I've been watching you, Alpha Alex Maxwell. It's been.. saddening. Your life, your mate's life. Your children's lives."

"You've been stalking me?" now that's creepy. "I don't know you can feel."

"You don't know many things about me. But I know the nightmares you've been suffering with until now."

"What-?" ever since I knew the truth one year ago, I had been haunted with nightmares but how..?

"As I said, I've been watching you. Alex, all those dreams you've been seeing," she drew a deep breath. "They're the past of Alice."

My mouth gaped, I must be making the dumbest look ever. "W- h what?"

"You're witnessing how Alice was.. tortured. That woman, is your mother, Alex."

Those nasty memories came back into my head.

I could still remember how he screamed, all those things.. They're all true. That bitch.. I believed her words more than my mate, my half. What a great mistakes I had done?

My legs felt jelly and a numb feeling inside my stomach sickened me. How did he go through all that? How could I redeem myself to pay my sins?

"The goddess said you may deserve what you got now. She tried to prevent this but your rage, your selfishness blocked her out."

"I know okay, I get it." my voice trembled with mixed feelings but anger. "This is all my fault. If only I trusted him, if only I acknowledged my love for him, if only I didn't listen that thing called mother, but no I did worse. I imprisoned him and did.. did those things to him." I wringed my aching temples. "My mother was right.. I'm just the same monster as she was."

"He's the most perfect, the purest most innocent ever in my life and I tainted him.." I choked a sob. "I didn't deserve Alice and goddess is right, I do deserve all this sufferings. But I'm not strong like him! I'm weak, pathetic, and.. and sinful.."

"Did you regret it?"

"There's no second in my life, not a single second, I didn't want to take it all back. Everything I said, everything I did." I looked into her eyes, my tears falling down. "It's all fucked up, I messed up and hurt him bad. Now he's broken, I can't help but keep loving him and it hurts so much. This longing, I yearn for him."

Syera was silently watching me cry like a child whose favorite toy was taken. "I'm going to help you." as her words sinked in, my brows knitted together.


She nodded. "I'll help you to get him back." she added quickly seeing my hope skyrocketed. "But I couldn't guarantee how he reacts to this. And nothing comes without a price."

"What price? How are you going to help me?"

"His whereabout."

I gasped fully awake, my sweats rolled off to the sheet. Howls and sounds of mating werewolves mating greeted the full moon.

"No.." sitting up my eyes frantically searched through the bedroom to find no one. "No no no! You haven't told me, where's Alice?!!" I buried my head in my arms. "You haven't told me where he is.. Alice.. Where is he? I need to know, please tell me! WHERE IS HE?!!!"

But no one answered me as I fell into sobs and cries.

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