My Rejection is Your Redemption 3

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Alice's POV

I opened my eyes to find myself in a small room without any window but a door.

Suddenly it opened with a loud bang as a tall shadow approached me. I choked out a sob as I knew what's coming.

"Bad child, Alice. Bad child."

I was shaking severely. The woman had chains in her palms, pulled it with an ease. It's actually connected to the my ankle and I was dragged toward a chair in the middle of room.

"N- noo! Pl- please I'm s- so- sorry!!"

She sat me up and strapped my hands and legs.

"Whip or cane?"

"M- mother-"


I hiccuped. "W- wh- whip.."

"Count then."

A loud sound vibrated as my skin came in contact with the lashes.

"O- one.."

Whack! The hit was getting harder.

"T two.."

One of the whips got to my temple and made a path of blood.

"F- five.. M- mom-"

She stopped. "Did you say anything?" she asked in her usual sickening sweet tone.

I shook my head.

"S- six.."

"T- ten! Please st- stop!"

The time I was bathed in blood, the count had reached thirty four. My breath was coming out short and weak, I was surprised I wasn't dead already.

"Do you know why you deserved this?"

"Y- yes," I sobbed. "Be- because I'm w- worthless.."

"True. And what did you do this time?"

I shook my head weakly.

"You dare to play with my son! I already told you to keep your filthy hands from him didn't I?!"

Whimpering, I nodded. "I'm sorry mother.."

A sharp noice echoed as she slapped my cheek. "What did I tell you about calling me that?!"

"I- I'm sorry Mistress Maxwell.."

"You won't be getting food tonight. Tell anyone about this and I'll hurt Alex too."

As soon as the door was shut a cold wind wrapped me and in a second I felt my hair getting pulled by someone. It didn't take too long for me to realize who the person was.

"N- no! For- forgive me! I'm s- sorry!"

The door was slammed open and I was thrown into the room, my back hit the chair. A very painful crack sounded and I groaned trembling all over.

"You brainless little shit!! All these years I had taught you manners but you're just a piece of garbage even the lowest omega is better than you!"

"S- s- orry I'm s s-o sorry"

She grabbed the biggest and longest cane as my eyes widened in horror.

"Mother!! Forgive m-" a hit on my shoulder made a sound of broken bones. I screamed in pain while that woman kept hitting me with all force.

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