My Rejection is Your Redemption 2

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Five Years Later

Alex's POV

"You're going to the Crow Bridge pack?"

"Yes, father. Maybe this time they'll agree to join us."

He nodded. "I hope so. They're strong but very closed to the outer world."

"Darling." mom said with soft smile. "No work in dinner."

"Well, it's tempting." he grinned before turned to the boys. "How's the school, boys?"

"It's great grandpa! We made it to the top!" Harry said eagerly.

"That's good. No wonder you're my grandsons."

Peter smiled brightly. "We'll make you proud, grandpa!"

"Why, you little squirrel." Jess gigled. We had been dating for almost eight years now she's my wife, my Luna.

Peter widened his eyes but still smiled, though it looked a bit forced.

"Er, um papa can I go to my room? I've finished my dinner.."

"What's wrong? You eat so little. Are you sick?" mom asked.

He shook his head lifting his eyes to see me then to Jess.

"Peter, if something bothers you, just tell me okay?" he nodded but said nothing anymore.

"Gale won in his international football match right?" Jess said.

"Wow, that's awesome!" dad said giving a satisfied smile. I myself was glad they adapted very quickly with their surroundings.

This was my happy family.


The southern forest weren't as expansive as ours but it had guards and elaborate access so we had a bit difficulty to reach the pack house.

"Good evening Alpha Maxwell."

I put on a professional smile. "Glad to meet you, Alpha Burnett."

"The pleasure is mine." he gave a gesture. "Welcome to Crow Bridge."


When I got home, no one was downstairs. Jess must be with the kids. I thought with a smile.

Walking to dad's office upstairs, I found their bedroom unlocked. Mom never left it unlocked so I thought they're home.

Arriving in front of the room, I opened the door. "Dad, I need to discu-" frowning I found the room empty.

Maybe he's with mom.

"Mom? Dad?" I knocked. No answer. I felt bad to peek into their room but it's urgent so I opened the door.

It's empty and sighing, I was closing the door when my eyes fell on an old book on the book shelf.

Curiousity took me and my feet walked slowly into the room. Grabbing the book, a shiver went up to my neck. A bad feeling crept up my spine yet I couldn't bring myself to take my eyes off from it.

Don't. a little voice told me in my head but my hand said otherwise.

With very slow movement, my fingers lifted the stiff old paper.
What's this?

August 16th, 2402

Nineteen years ago? Whose book was th-

Realization hit me when my nose caught the scent.

This was Alice's.

I gritted my teeth and almost closed the book when my eyes caught the word 'abuse'. Frowning, I continued to read.

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