My Rejection is Your Redemption 5

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Alice's POV

A month passed so quickly. The elementary school where I had been working at was in midterm test and the restaurant wasn't as crowded as usual.

"Alice, are you busy this weekend?" Kory asked me after I seated myself on the small chair in front of her.

I shook my head and wrote. 'No, I'm going to take care of Joy that day.'

"Great, you know that Finn was fired a few days ago." I nodded, mentally groaning. I knew what she's going to say next. "I want you to fill his part this saturday. You can do it right?"

And again I nodded. After a few talking on her side obviously, I excused myself. It's not the first time it happened but she had been depending on me a lot.

Though it's not a very bad thing, besides it added my payment. The only reason I dreaded this was I had to leave Joy again.

I was feeling like a bad parent, and hell my chest tightened at that thought.

Unlocking the door, I was met by the sight of Hope doing her homework.

I smiled. "Hey, Al." she whispered with a grin. A bag of chips was half opened by her side.

'Hello, did you have a hard time?'

"Nope, Joy is being a great girl like usual."

I nodded and checked the crib my baby was sleeping in. Her stomach went up and down as she snored softly.

'Do you want a tea?'

"It's okay, I have been stuffing my belly with many things." she chuckled. "So, I wonder if I could stay here tonight?"

'I have no problem with that, but won't your parents be worried?'

Hope shook her head. "I've messaged them."

'Very well then, feel free to use the bed.'

She nodded and prepared herself to bed as I cleaned the room. It's a small rentroom with an attached bathroom so in no time there's no trace of dirt anywhere.

Hope yawned widely and went to her dream world soon.

Good night, angels. Sleep well.


It's dark, pitch dark. I could feel my eyes open, but nothing could be seen. Or heard.

Until the sounds of heels meeting the cold dirty floor.

Clack clack clack

Trembling all over, tears rolled down my cheeks. What did I do this time? I didn't talk to anyone, not even see them. I behaved perfectly like she told me and had manner. I made sure to gag myself and threw up the foods, starved myself and studied hard.

So what was it?

Why? Why did you punish me?

My train of thoughts stopped the moment a bang vibrated through the walls as the door was slammed open.

"Come out." she growled. Her eyes were bloody red.

I whimpered but obeyed. Crawling from the corner of the room I had been sinking into, my hair was yanked roughly and she dragged me to the punishment chair.

"Please, please mom.. Forgive me forgive me.." I muttered under my ragged breathing.

She ignored all my pleadings and threw me on the chair, strapped me and put a gag in my mouth.

Mom let out a satisfied smile and grinned. "Now." she walked to a table with punishment equipments on it. "Cane or whip?"

She always made me choose them, as if I got to pick how I would die today.

I whimpered but it only enraged her more. A hit after another clawed my face. After my cheeks were bloody and cuts around my eyes, she seemed to realize something.

"Oho! So this is why you can't talk." the gag was released and I coughed blood. "I'm losing patience."

"W- wh whip.." I sobbed, praying she wouldn't hear. But she did.

Grinning like a mad man, which she was, her hand raised preparing an attack.



My eyes shot open as I woke up sitting immediately. Which I regretted because my head hurt like it was being sliced open.

"Are you alright?" the blurry vision was getting focused eventually and there was a girl image beside me.

04.03 am. Shit. I slept.

'Hope, I'm sorry. I didn't hear you.' I scribbled down messily.

"It's alright. Shouldn't you see doctor? Please, Alice-"

I smiled as warmly as I could, which was hard since my brain was pounding inside. 'I'm okay, really. Thank you for worrying.'

"Of course I am! Al, there's a reason I told you to go okay? You know how I despise hospitals but this has gotten so bad!"

Hope's favorite subject was biology and health and she's the healthiest person I'd ever seen. That's because she thought that as long as she wasn't sick, there's no need to go there.

I sighed. 'Okay, I'll make an appointment this week.'

Hope smiled widely and hugged me tight. "Please take care of yourself, Al. I can't bear losing you."

'I'm not going anywhere.' I wrote.

"That's the problem."

My face must be showing a dumb face. What's with the sudden change of topic?

"You bury yourself too much in responsibility. All my life with you, you never took a break, or let yourself have fun."

'I'm having fun with you and Joy.'

"Oh please, I mean real fun! Party, drinks, girl- or boys in your case-"

I gave her the most horrified look and she pursed her lips with raised eyebrows. 'Where did you learn that?' I quickly wrote.

"Al, this is 25th century. It's part of a life!"

'No! You can't and won't have any of that until you're proper age!'

"And when is that?" she asked in 'duh' tone. "Fine at least release your need okay? Don't strain yourself."

I blinked. Is this a 15 years old girl talking? 'What do you mean?'

"I mean sex."

I was flabberagasted. 'Hope Scronery, YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT USING THAT WORD!' abusing the capital alphabets very much.

"Oh my god you're reacting like a virgin teenager girl!"

I gasped, my jaw dropped. 'And you'd better be!!'

"Of course, Al. You're embarassing me. You are 22 for god's sakes!"

'You're grounded!' oh god help me save her innocence.

"Al, you're overreacting." a cry from Joy's crib pierced the awkward tension. Hope stood to get her and rocked her back and forth.

"You have to get ready. You're working tonight right?"

I sighed and nodded. This isn't over, Hope. You know me. 'Yeah, Kory gave me extra hours. Maybe tomorrow morning I'll go to doctor.'

"Not maybe. You are going to." she put Joy back to sleep.

I sighed again, knowing there's no way to win over her.


Hum hum longer than I thought ('▽`)

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