My Rejection is Your Redemption 6

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Alex's POV

Time passed very slowly and torturingly. In one month Black Tribe had been extended from Europe to Asian, our people were everywhere and still no news regarding dark witch and Alice.

Qarëvlyan, my best friend and the Lord of Sorcerer told me he hadn't heard anyone named Syera in his kingdom. Also, dark witches had been nearly extinct that they could be counted with fingers.

Feeling a tug in my head, I opened my mindlink.

'Alex, Simon wish to talk to you.' my beta Sam said in restrained tone. Meaning, his wolf was in charge.

'Tell him to come to my office.'

'Roger that.'

Three knocks at my door, I allowed knowing who the person was. "What's the matter?" I grunted rather than saying it.

"Alpha, we may have found the location of Luna Alice."

As word by word sunk into my head, I could feel my eyes widening and Simon lowered his head at my intense glare.



The flight took longer than I expected. The seat was getting uncomfortable, blame my nerves for that.

Simon told me that our spy who had a proffesion as a psychologist in a village two countries from the pack met Alice. He was shocked too at first but immediately reported us.

He also said my mate was mute. Timid, severely introvert even close to SAD. The photo in my hand that was secretly taken when he didn't notice showed how pale his skin was, his pink plump lips and tired green eyes. His hair was still white and he was way way too thin from my liking but I figured it out. I would take care of him, that's absolute.

So the witch didn't lie. I thought staring at nothingness.

"Daddy, will we really meet mom?" Peter stared at me hopefully.

"Of course, baby. Just wait and be patient. We'll definitely meet him."

Harry looked as if he wanted to bounce in his seat but held himself back. In the other hand Gale was smiling which was a very rare sight.

Looking at how my boys missed him so much, eager to see the one they had fallen in love with just by his name, my throat clenched with the rapid beating of my heart.

What if he didn't acknowledge them? What if he didn't accept them? It would surely broke their fragile, vulnerable hearts.

Goddess, if I could beg your kindness please let Alice to still love them as much as before.. Before they rejected him..

These children had enough guilt and broken hope already. They regretted as much as I did what we had done in the past.

Gale as the oldest had been very mature and could control his emotion well, way better than any kids his age. Although he didn't say anything too much, he still represented himself properly and got many compliments from others. Harry, however, never hid his feeling at all. Getting angry and sensitive over small things, ignorant and went against anyone. He threw his tanthrum everywhere and whenever he wanted.

And yet Peter, he was quiet. Very quiet. He closed himself from society except his brothers. Even from me. Sometimes, I thought it would have been better if they didn't know the truth at all. But it would also make them hate us more if we kept it as a secret.

"Dad." I turned to see Harry looking at me with questionable stare. "She's asking if you want a drink or not."

The stewardess smiled, her cheeks got faint red taint over them.

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