Chapter 4

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I am slowly going crazy 1 2 3 4 5 6 switch
Crazy going slowly am I 6 5 4 3 2 1 switch. *
I thought I was clear from the three idiots, but apparently they thought along the same lines as me, and they are now dragging me back to this 'Phoenix Drop' of theirs. I could honestly care less, but since is was within the boundaries that were defined as 'Phoenix Drop' land, they had the right to drag me in for questioning. It was a nice village, a little quainter than what I was used too. What was I used too?! This is starting to worry me. If I can't remember anything besides my name and how to survive, how am I ever going to escape?
My thought get interrupted by the three idiots' "private" conversation.
Blue starts out, "I don't really know what to do with her, she's rude and she's run away from us twice! How can we contain her?"
Then blonde, "Well, we could always put her in the guard tower until she tells us something, like where she came from or who she is."
And last, and most probably least, brunette, "I can't get any bad vibes off her, in fact I can't get anything off her! It's like she's not even there." I snigger a little in my head at the last comment. Poor, poor brunette. Being so pretty must be exhausting his brain. Wait, did I just call him pretty?! Ugh, stupid hormones!
As I was having my silent internal conversation, the idiots had dragged me into a nice little farm house, no one inside. I guess they planned to get more information out of me. Good luck with that. I can't even remember my own birthday.

Sly's POV

I can't help but wonder what caused Jess- er, Aphmau to run off suddenly. Was it something we did? I just finished searching through Asgaurd, hoping to find some answers, but all I found was her armor and some memory crystal, quite like the one she left us. Wait.... 'Leave you my best memories that would soon fade?!' Oh no, I know almost exactly what happened to Aphmau. I can only hope that where ever she is, there aren't any Shadows, of any kind. The worst danger is the light casting a shadow that just keeps growing.

*A common rhyme, usually increases in pitch and speed as you go on.
Heyo!! So I'm glad you all like the story so much, that I tried to make this a little longer! Thank you all soooo much for just over 200 reads! That means a lot, especially with the comments and vote you leave. I really do thank you all, with the best I can give. Byee. ~Convela

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