Chapter 6

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Kindness is a contradiction in its self. A kind life can turn to bitter hatred, and that hatred can create more kindness in someone else's life. Does being kind mean we condemn others to the life we want to show kindness to? But without kindness, are we even considered human?
I wake slowly, feeling a sense of déjà vu. My head throbs and my body aches, but other than that I can say that nothing else hurts.
A clearing throat has me whipping my head around to face three familiar men staring at me.
Brunette asks the question that must be on all their minds. "So, you can't remember anything from your past besides your name?"
I nod my head, still feeling weak but grateful that I have a bed to lie down on.
"And your name is.... Aff~mau?" Blue pipes up. Dang, I really need to learn their names!
"Well, it's pronounced Aphmau, but yeah." My voice was scratchy, but I was slowly regaining strength. "Okay, sorry, but this is killing me. What's your guys' names?" I ask, sitting up slightly.
They look at each other before blonde responds.
"Well, I'm Garroth, the brunette here is Laurance and Dante is the guy with the blue hair."
I hummed in response, but a sharp pain in my head made me gasp before everything went black. Jessica Aphmau Ireinlore, you and I need to talk.

Sly's POV
I was pacing back and forth on her marble floors, waiting for Kala to come back into Asgard with good news, any news would do. I was ready to rip apart this dimension for any answers on what Aphmau remembered and if the spell could be reversed and if we could open the portal and if....
My thoughts were cut off by a slamming door. My head quickly shot up to see Kala marching down the hallway with a very annoyed expression on her face. I felt bad for whoever would be on the receiving end of her wrath, but I had to stop her to ask the one question I shouldn't ask, but I needed to know. "Did Castor see Aphmau?"
Kala shook her head, and as soon as I released her she continued on the warpath, leaving my thoughts to wander into a dark space.

Heyo? *sticks out head from behind a mortar wall reinforced with steel bars*
*squeaks when a tomato is thrown at head*
S-sorry for not u-updating, b-but here's the new c-chapter! Byee! *runs off* ~Convela😋

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