Chapter 1 Mikki

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Chapter 1: Mikki.
Song: Whom shall I fear.

They trudged up hill in hope of finding any sign of life, or at least things that will keep them alive, on this island they'd been on for four days.

Mikki looked around at her friends. No one seemed to be smiling, rather just kept grim faces as they explored.

"Maybe we can find someone that will help us survive like Alvin and the chipmunks did when they got stranded." Mikki said hopefully, referring to the movie she had last seen when she was 17.
"Mikki I hate to burst your bubble," Jet stated. "But the lady that Alvin and them found was mentally insane."
"Yeah I would prefer to find a person that wouldn't throw a golf ball with a creepy smile on it at my head." Hazel piped up.
"Oh. I guess I forgot about that." Mikki sighed dejectedly.

As they trudged upwards, Mikki placed herself in the lead and kept going until she heard a noise from one of the trees. "Lion!" Hazel shrieked. "Relax Hazel, lions live in Africa not deserted islands." Bella said in a soothing voice to calm her down.
The only people that didn't say anything were Jack and Destiny. Jack may not have spoke but he at least stayed with the group. Destiny on the other hand stayed a little behind.
Mikki heard the noise again and looked up to see where it was coming from. Her strawberry blonde hair got caught in one of the nearby trees and, Mikki being as clueless as she is, didn't realize and kept walking. "Ouch! My hair. Help please." Mikki exclaimed. Her hair was completely tangled in one of the branches.
"She is capable of pain. I was beginning to think you're a robot." Jack said to Mikki ending with a wink.
"Why would you think I was a robot?" She asked obviously not catching the sarcasm dripping from his voice. "I'm just kidding. But seriously you've tripped over your own feet six times and rocks seven. How is it possible that you aren't crying from pain." Jack asked confused. "I happen to have a very high pain tolerance thank you very much. Now will you people please stop gawking and help me out?" Mikki retorted as best she could with a headache that was about to pound through her skull. "I'm afraid that the only way you're going to get untangled is, by one of us cutting it." Jet said grimly. "Are you sure?" Mikki asked close to tears. She didn't want to cut her hair. She'd forgot to bring a scarf and her hair was the only thing keeping her neck warm.
Jack took out his pocket knife and as quick as he could cut her hair out of the tree.
Bella came over and hugged her, knowing it would be hard for any girl to have to cut her hair under such unfortunate circumstances.
They continued on in silence, the only sound being the ground crunching under their feet. Mikki put the hood up over her now short hair. After a while. Bella's sweet soprano voice cut through the air, the rest of the four joining her as their brains recognized the song. "I know who goes before me, I know who stands behind, the God of angel armies is always by my side."

Destiny pondered the meaning of these words. She didn't know what they meant quite yet but figured that if they were on this island to stay for a while, she would find out soon enough.

Mikki soon fell behind from being the lead as flashbacks from the first day flashed through her mind. She had never experienced anything that traumatic before and wasn't sure how to cope with it.
The plane shaking. Heading toward the earth at an alarming rate. Mikki turned to the person sleeping beside her. Hazel. "Hazel wake up." Hazel woke up with a start. She was freaking out inside, but together they herded up as many people as they possibly could on the small 10 passenger plane.
Splash! The plane hit the water. Hazel had already placed one of the plane's oxygen masks on her face and was helping everyone else do the same before they ran out of air. Including Mikki and Hazel, they were only able to save 6 people. Mikki, Bella, Hazel, Jack, Jet, and Destiny.
They swam out of the plane and towards the floating piece of land only half a mile away. After about an hour and a half of swimming and the occasion of dragging someone along, they finally reached the island. Mikki collapsed onto the sand with the people that would soon become the only friends she would have for a while.

"Mikki. Mikki? Mikkkkkiiiiii." Bella said, trying to bring her friend out of the daze she was in. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, just thinking about the crash that's all." Silent head nods were shared as the group shared empathy. This was the first time any one has mentioned the crash since it happened. Like an unspoken agreement between the six not to remind anyone why they were there.
Just as they thought, no one found anything, or figured out what the noise is. With this in mind, they settled down for the night, their only protection being the stars and God watching over them.

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