Chapter 9 Mikki

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Chapter 9: Mikki.
Song: Missing.

Mikki sucked in a shaky breath as she tried to remain her usual optimistic composure. The others depended on her for happiness. Seems that's all she was good for on this dreaded island. Before they had crash landed, she felt like her life was spiraling out of control. She still felt that way now but it had gotten worse since they had woken up this morning and Jack was gone. She'd been the last one to talk to Jack before bed. She couldn't help feeling like she was somehow responsible for his disappearance. She needed to talk to one of the other girls before she let her mind go into a spirally tornado of guilt. Even if she knew inside that it had nothing to do with her.

"Hey Bella." Mikki greeted. The small blonde looked up from what she was doing. "Hey." Bella then looked at Mikki's eyes and saw the tears brimming and threatening to spill over. Bella stood up and wrapped her arms around her in a comforting hug. Without saying a word Bella took Mikki's hand and led her through the trees to the same log that her and Jack had talked at. It was like the gang's bay window.

"I'm not sure what's wrong but do you want to talk about it?" Bella asked in a soothing tone. Mikki nodded before she started crying so much she couldn't speak.

"I feel like I'm about to explode."
Mikki explained.
"I'm freaking out man, look I know I look like there is never anything wrong with me but sometimes you just have to break. I've tried being strong but mentally I'm freaking out. I can't be strong anymore. I want to go home! I miss school, I miss my family, I miss my life." Mikki continued.

Bella put an arm around her.
"Hey. It's okay to flip out sometimes. Believe me I can't keep it all together.
My best friend back home, gosh I miss her, she always had it together. But one day I told her about how I felt like I was made of glass and I was always broken. She told me that I'm a lot stronger then I believe. You are too. It's totally okay to not be okay. You're safe with us. No one is gonna judge you for being upset. You're safe here." Bella explained, quoting her favorite Plumb song.

"I'm scared for Jack too. But he will come back. We will find him. You've just gotta trust that God will lead us in the right direction." Bella told her.

Mikki nodded, her usual smile returning. "You're right. Thanks Bella. I'm gonna try to not flip out on you again." She laughed.
"Dude, it's totally okay if you do. It's what I'm here for."
Bella put her arm around Mikki and pulled her into a tight hug.

"I'm glad we met." Mikki said.

Mikki sat on the same log a little while later. "Hey... Mik. I gotta talk to you about something..." The voice of Jet came from behind her.

He came and sat next to her on the log. She pushed her strawberry blonde hair out of her eyes to see the boy in front of her.
His teeth clinched as he began what he needed to say.
"Igotbitbyasnakeyesterdayanddidnttellanyone." He said rather quickly.

"Woah woah woah. Slow down J."

"I got bit by a snake yesterday and didn't tell anyone."

"JET CONNOR ANDREWS!! How could you not tell anyone!! How stupid are you!"
Destiny and Hazel had appeared at their side now. "What did the idiot do?" Destiny asked.
"Her got bit by a snake!!" Mikki yelled.
"You doofus!!!" Destiny was mad now.

Hazel looked like she was about to cry. She say next to Jet and very slowly and subtly took his hand.

"Are you okay?" She asked almost to the point of tears. He then felt bad for lying about the incident. But he had to keep going. He had an elaborate plan with his brother to get back at everyone else for the pranks. It was too late to turn back now.

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