Chapter 8: Hazel

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Chapter 8: Hazel.
Song: The joke is on you.

Hazel watched as the sopping wet Jack and Mikki talked alone. Jet and Bella stood side by side still laughing at Jack, and Destiny sat by Hazel laughing her head off at the scene before them.

A war had struck between the eyes of her friends. Jack was gonna get back at Bella and she could already see Bella planning her next attack. Jack turned and winked at Bella. "Better watch your back, baby." He said in a joking manner and Hazel couldn't help but laugh.

Jack trying to be threatening didn't work well unless he was actually angry. Then he just went into his closed off not talking to anyone phase and he would just stare off into the distance.

"They are so cute..." Hazel said to no one in particular.
Of course Destiny responded being the only one in ear shot of Hazel.

"They really are... But it's not like any of us know each other well enough to fall in love... I just want to get off this stupid island and go home."

Something hit Hazel heart. Destiny was right. It was useless. It had only been a week and a half. No one could fall in love in that amount of time. Plus when they got off the island they would all go their separate ways never to unite again... Well they did go to the same school... But after the year she had she didn't exactly want to go back.

"I want to go home too..."

The rest of the gang joined the girls, sitting on the ground.

"How can we..." Jet asked.
"No cell service. No supplies. And no sign of human life anywhere else on this darn island!" Jet never got mad. But this was the one time that he was just sick of it. He wanted to go home and just go back to normal life.

"Calm down bro..." Jack soothed his look alike. Jet sighed as Hazel put a hand on his bicep. He looked into her brown eyes and saw pain. She was hurting too and she knew how he felt. They all did.

"Let's just try and come up with something." Bella said.

"What haven't we thought of?" Jack asked.

"I don't know... God please help us." Bella closed her eyes and looked up to Heaven. "I know you're there. So please, please just get us outta here."

Hazel felt something in her gut. Like this wasn't the answer. Not that praying wasn't the answer, but trying to leave. Maybe they should be trying to figure out why they are all here in the first place. There had to be a reason.

"It's not gonna help..." Jack said quietly.

"Maybe we shouldn't be trying to leave."

All eyes were on Hazel.

"Maybe God has a reason we are all on this wretched island together. Maybe we are supposed to learn something from all this..."

Bella nodded taking in her statement.
Jack just frowned at the idea.
Jets leg bounced up and down in deep thought.
Mikki smiled at Hazel knowingly.
Destiny looked down at the sand below them. She wasn't sure about this group yet.

Everyone sat calmly as the wind blew their hair every which way.

"So I've been working on writing a song..." Bella said.

Jack smiled. "Let's hear it."

Softly, Bella sang, " We've been here far too long... But you've been here all along..." She sang verse after verse and finally came to an end and the gang was almost in tears. Her song talked about the way that even through their struggles they were together in the hard times and how they would get through anything as long as they were by each other's sides.

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