It all falls into place

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I sat in home room, anxiously. I had told Jesse I would meet him at the coffee shop across town at noon. It was 11:30, I began packing my things up as the bell rang. My first time ditching class. After I gathered my things into my bag I walked out into the hall, opened my locker, stuffed my back pack into it and grabbed my purse. It was time. I made my way to the parking lot, got into my car and drove to the coffee shop where I would meet Jesse. I arrived with 10 minutes to spare, walked in, and there he was, not only on time, but early! I had a very good feeling about this.

He greeted me with a hug and said "hello, you look great!".  I blushed uncontrollably. "Okay, now what's the surprise you've told me nothing about?" I said wittily. "Slowww down there Caitlin! We'll get to that in a moment!' Jesse exclaimed.   He led me to his car, opened the door and I climbed in.  He drove for a good twenty minutes until we arrived at a dock of boats. I was confused. He opened my door and I hurried out. "What is this?" I asked. "Come on, come on, we're going to be late!" Jesse answered. We ran down the dock. By the time we got down there we were both out of breathe. He looked at me with that big smile that originally had me falling for him.  I followed him as he crawled onto the boat. "Take us to papoui!" He yelled excitedly. "What in the world is papoui?!" I asked in confusion. "The island I bought you" Jesse answered. I turned to my side and quietly fangirled to myself aloud, "Jesse McCartney bought me an island!!" "What's that?" Jesse said with a smile? "Oh nothing, I just think you're amazing is all." "Haha, so does a picnic on your new island sound good?" "YES OF COURSE!" I said with the biggest grin. We arrived at papoui, it was a small, quiet, island. Palm trees covered the ground, and beaches at the coast. It was perfect.

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