Chapter 31 - Peter

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"Peter you have to look at these," Chantelle says.

Chantelle is eating her usual yogurt, granola, and fruit breakfast when Peter enters the kitchen, his hair still damp from showering. They have fallen into a routine of starting Saturday mornings by running to a nearby gym, working out at the gym, then running home again. 

Chantelle turns her laptop towards Peter. "I just uploaded all the pictures I took at Evan's party onto my computer."

Peter looks at the screen as Chantelle starts scrolling through pictures.

"Just a sec," Peter says. Grabbing a coffee, he sits down at the table with Chantelle.

"Look at this one," Chantelle says. "Joe looks so happy. And this one of Gladys' profile - I just love the contrast of her hair against her weathered, wrinkly face."

They look at dozens of pictures and Peter starts to wonder if he could use some of them to help argue that Ana, Michael, Kazuki, and Eliza should live with Evan and Joe. The party had renewed Peter's desire to help Evan's friends, a desire that had taken a backburner to Chantelle's pregnancy and his classes.

Peter had felt horrible, dragging everyone in care away from Evan's home after the party. He had tried to reassure them that they would have other visits soon, but his words held little weight. It wasn't up to him. Was the silent ride home a sign of acceptance? Did Evan's friends realize they might lose the little time they had together if they protested? Or was their silence a sign of cowardice? Why hadn't they fought like mad to stay at Evan's?

"I took videos, too," Chantelle says. "They're not as good though because it was getting dark when I started taking them."

Peter watches a video of Eliza singing. Then he watches it again, not moving even to take a sip of coffee. Even on video, her singing sends shivers up and down his spine. With the camera focused on her, he notices Eliza looks different – taller and composed, almost possessed. Perhaps it is the setting. Behind her, colourful lanterns sway in fruit trees and far away, the dark outline of evergreen trees stretch towards a black night sky. A video like this could go viral on the internet, especially if the viewers knew Eliza needed care and lived in a group home.

Next, Peter watches a short video which focuses almost exclusively on Kazuki and his old fears resurface. Anyone watching these videos would want to know more about how the group could play instruments so well after an hour lesson. They would want to know more about Eliza's singing – maybe tap into her ability, try to capitalize on it. Kazuki's drumming was strangely good, too. What were the odds of discovering two gifted musicians in one night?

"Chantelle, look at this." Peter replayed the video of Kazuki. "Notice anything odd?"

"He's really good?"

"Watch this part again," Peter says, restarting the video halfway in.

"That's weird. They all look at Kazuki after he plays that little solo bit. Then they all look at Evan. Then back to Kazuki. Now they're all looking at Michael. Wait, I get it! They're communicating while they're playing!"

"I think they had their own conversation going that we knew nothing about."

"That's why they were so quiet all night! I thought they were just concentrating hard on the music," Chantelle says with excitement. "Woah. That means we were shut out. Look, no one is paying any attention to Evan or his friends. I wonder what they were talking about?"

"I wonder, too." Peter sits back in his chair, letting the video play on. "Hey look, when you watch the video from afar, it's hard to believe that any of them are in care."

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