Chapter 45 - Jesse

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Jesse pulls the least wrinkled shirt out of his closet just as the phone begins to ring again after a five minute pause. He slips on the shirt and struggles to button it after picking up the phone.

"Hello mom," Jesse says. "I'm late for work, what's wrong?"

He tucks his shirt into his cargo pants and quickly checks his appearance in the full length mirror.

"I've been trying to get a hold of you for almost an hour. I want you to take me to your grandfather's place. I want to see Evan," says Lorraine.

"Why? He's fine," Jesse says. He wants to end the call quickly, but he's curious. Lorraine could have left a message but instead, she's been calling back repeatedly, waiting for him to answer. Something more than a visit is on her mind.

"I read an article in the paper about some strange construction projects near Joe's home. I want to make sure Evan's safe," Lorraine continues.

"Sure mom. I'm going there this afternoon to help Ro with some things, but really there's no problem. Everyone knows about the construction and there's nothing to worry about."

"Fine. Pick me up on your way there," Lorraine says.

Later that day, while driving to his grandfather's place, Jesse tells his mom a bit about the construction project and is surprised she doesn't seem happier. Sandeep knows what he's doing and building a pyramid is a massive undertaking. It is really exciting and could only have been done by someone with a brilliant mind and unlimited funds and time. Lorraine doesn't smile or ask questions about the pyramid. She's only concerned about the neighbours and some ridiculous internet trash she's come across.

"You know, I bring the girls out here sometimes to see the pyramid. Sandeep gives them mini lessons on geometry and physics. He answers all their questions and has even inspired Makayla to put more effort into her math homework. They think the project is amazing," Jesse says.

Jesse looks over at his mother. She's rifling through her purse that is so big, it could double as an overnight bag. In fact, it is a carryon bag, but instead of toiletries and a change of clothes, Lorraine has it stuffed full of useless things like first aid kits, emergency supplies, nuts and dried fruits, and water bottles. Lorraine is always prepared for the worst.

"Would you like a granola bar?" Lorraine asks.

"No thanks." The problem with lugging around massive amounts of supplies, including perishables, is that when you actually need them, they have often expired. Jesse tries again to interest his mom in the great pyramid. "Makayla's teacher wants to bring the class on a fieldtrip to see it. She's heard so much about Sandeep and seen pictures that Makayla has shown her. She's quite impressed, apparently."

Rather than showing signs of interest, Lorraine sits quietly, chewing her nails.

"Sure, there are lots of interested people, Mom, but they mean no harm. You'll see, they're just curious," Jesse says.

As they approach the home and the construction site, Jesse slows down so his mom can see what's going on. Most of Sandeep's family have left. The tents and the extra help have gone with Sandeep's family, leaving only the machines and Sandeep's workers behind.

About a dozen people line the road, watching the construction. Some wander onto the site to get a better look and take pictures. Most are neighbours that Jesse recognizes. Lorraine peers intently out the window at the people on the road.

"They aren't happy," Lorraine says. "Look at their faces, Jesse. They're angry."

"They're just curious, that's all. They want to know what's being built and we aren't giving them much information."

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