Chapter 35 - Peter

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It has begun; he knew it would.

Peter runs his hand through his hair, thinking about what Ro had said transpired when he was out with Kazuki. While buying materials to build chicken coops, he had had a premonition that this paradise they were creating could not last, that something or someone would crush it. It was all too good to be true. One person's dream achieved, becomes another person's mission to destroy. Balance always wins. But why couldn't just one dream – an unusual dream, dreamed by special people – come to fruition and endure, slipping by the naysayers unscathed?

Peter opens a few windows and draws the living room curtains closed to block the hot sunshine streaming in. The curtains also block the breeze, and the room remains hot and stuffy. He paces the room, arranging chairs as everyone trickles in to discuss Ronald and the looming construction. What can they do? Where can they go?

Ronald's recent intrusion into their lives has incited fear and anxiety among the residents of Joe's home. It was evident during dinner; no one said much, food was picked at and pushed around on dinner plates. If they were confident that somehow they might be able to continue living as they were, even with large building projects occurring just a short way down the road, they now felt vulnerable and exposed. It surprises Peter that neighbours had been aware of other people living with Joe and Evan. His impression had been that people around here liked to keep to themselves. Maybe Ro should have put more effort into getting to know the people in the area. In attempting to keep Evan and his friends safe, Ro had succeeded only in creating a thin veil of privacy - a translucent veil, a mysterious veil, a veil that prompts people to look and search for answers. They are being watched by neighbours, and had been, apparently, for a long time.

"I'm not moving," Joe says sitting down in his favorite chair. "I got too much work invested in this place and I'm too old to start again. Does anyone here want to move?"

There was a resounding "No!" in response to Joe's question. Even Eliza shook her head. The goal had always been to get to Joe's summer home and now that they were here, they weren't going to leave.

"I don't think we need to worry about the petition," Ro says. "It's the new land owner that wants us gone. The people in this area, who are considering selling their properties for more than they worth, are hoping for more money if we leave, but it's just a promise. I don't think they'll pursue the petition for long."

"I agree," Joe says. "Ronald's a hothead, but his fire dies quick. Let's just wait. In the meantime, the restraining order against him will reduce his credibility."

What was it about this place that everyone liked so much? Peter wondered. It was a feeling, he knew that much. He liked Joe's home and would be sad if they had to move. Sad but not terrified which is how the residents look when asked if they want to move.

"What about the plans for development? Is that something we should try to stop?" Peter asks.

"There will be an increase in traffic, noise, and pollution," Ro says.

"And we're on an aquifer, where do they think their water's going to come from? We'll run short," Joe says.

"Maybe we should get Gladys to help us stage a protest," Ro says. "There must be people around here, like Gladys, who share our concerns."

"Supporters don't need to be from around here," Peter says. "I'm sure everyone here has families that would be on our side."

"Be on our side. My family," Kazuki says, closing his eyes in an effort to get his words out. "My family supports us." He turns towards the computer, "My mom writes, How she help?"

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