Crowley ✘Injured Reader: You're Not Bad at All..

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I'm very sorry if it took so long. I really am sorry. But please, enjoy this story :).

 But please, enjoy this story :)

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N O T E:

I won't be accepting any REQUEST, well for now. And beware of grammatical and typos error. That's all. Ty!

Crowley Injured Reader:

You're Not Bad at All

YOU put on your hat and walk outside the devastated city on your own, and it's happening to you again. It's just like that somebody or someone is looking at you, well in other words spying at you everytime you went outside the city. You ignored it and continued walking until you heard a loud howl and medium explosions coming your way. You smirked, you've been waiting for this. You pulled out a key and called your weapon's name.

"Come! (W/N)!" you called, and your cursed gear appeared. Your blade released hot smokes as you twirl it on your hand. Then The Four Horsemen of John came out and run towards you hungrily. You only giggled and jumped as he attacked you, you giggle once again and twirl on the air down to the beast and sliced him in half and you landed perfectly on your feet as blood splatter. But then another TFHOJ came out and attacked you, you 'tch' and dodge all of it's attack. It raise it's sharp hand and attack you nonstop, you block and dodge every of his attack, but it manage to scratch you in your cheek, legs, arms and on your stomach.

You jumped back and put pressure on your stomach, the beast released a loud howl and your eyes widened as 4 more TFHOJ came. Then you felt your back burn in pain. You glanced at your back and it was a TFHOJ! You narrowed your eyes and jumped back as you were about to fall on the ground. All of them attacked at you all at once. You tried your best to dodge it all but your pain is burning with pain. You run below the other one and jumped high as you sliced it in half from below. You closed your right eye tightly as you felt your backs wounds open. You landed on the roof and rolled, you almost screamed in pain as your wounded back hit the solid wall. You could barely sit up and leaned on the wall behind you.

"It's look like you can't beat them all.." your weapon giggled evilly. But you didn't pay attention to him and stood up, you used our weapon as a walking stick and walk towards the railing. You look down and the beast are looking for you with hunger. You narrowed your eyes and think what would happen if they would still wander around."I... I have... to stop them..." you whisper to yourself and your weapon just giggled at you.

"Hahhhhhhhhh!!!"  You jumped down and maneuver your body and you sliced one of the beast into four pieces. You stepped back just like a zombie and leaned on the wall behind you, you look up and saw the 3 other TFHOF in front of you, 4 meters away from you. You smirked at them and stood up.

"Your right (W/N). I really can't beat them, but I can beat them if we go at full power. You ready (W/N)?" and red markings appeared on your left side of your side. Your weapon giggled and she nodded. The three beast released a loud scary howl and attacked you together, your smirk wider. You run towards at them too and moved in Ninja style and killed them all at once. You stood up and blood once again splattered, then you have this feeling once again.

You look around and no body was there, you narrowed your eyes, you were about to walk when your body screamed in pain and your body gave up. Your body was about to touch the ground but somebody caught you, you slowly open our eyes. Your eyes widened, A noble!  

You scream in your head, you wanted to pushed him away and kill him but your body feels like hell and you don't have enough energy to do that. You and him keep staring at each other, but you decided to break the awkward silence.

"Just kill me already... isn't that what you do to every human you saw or encounter with?" you asked bravely, but your voice were kinda shaky. He just smiled at you and your heart started to beat faster and your faced flushed in red. You narrowed your eyes at him still blushing, he helped you sit up slowly but your eyes widened when your wound started to hurt again. You closed your eyes and look down as you bit your lower lip and tears rolled down. You grip on his clothes but you loosen your grip when the pain subsided. You released a relief sigh then leaned your head on the wall and closed your eyes.

"You know, for a young lady like you, I didn't thought that you could beat all those beast." and you could feel him smile, and you smiled also. You look up at him and asked him the question you never wanted to ask from everyone.

"Were you the one who always followed me around when I'm doing my mission?" you quickly covered your mouth and your face flushed in face once again. He giggled and nodded, you slowly removed your hand from your mouth and raised an eyebrow at him. But then you could feel your eyelashes getting heavier. And you lost to much blood.

He smiled at you and caress your right cheek slowly. "Go on, sleep. I'll be right here and watch over you." you nodded slowly then closed your eyes.

YOU slowly open our eyes and sit up slowly, but  your eyes widened as you stare at the sleeping vampire. But you just smiled and crawl slowly towards him, you stared at him in awe. You touched his cheeks and kissed him on the forehead and stood up, using your sword to be your walking stick. You glance back at him and smile once again.

"Your not bad at all..." you said and started walking.

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