Asuramaru ✘ Dying! Reader: Goodbye

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Asuramaru ✘ Dying! Reader:


You are currently sitting on your window sill while gazing at the night sky filled with shining stars and the moon glowing. Your hands are on your folded knees and are pressed on your chest.

A soft and slow melody could be heard on the background while the room is pitch black and the only source of light you've got is from the moon.

Nonetheless, you felt peaceful and happy inside. You closed your eyes and inhaled the sweet yet bitter smell radiating from the corner of your room. It was your everyday medicine.

A small smile blossomed on your lips and started gently swaying your head from side to side, synchronization with the slow music. You started humming and stopped your head from gently swaying and instead you leaned your head to the glass window.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping already?"

You gently open your eyes and look at the person at the door through the mirror. It was a tall man with his purple hair tied into a high ponytail but what really fascinated you the most was his strikingly beautiful red eyes.

Your smile deepened.

"I'm not sleepy yet."

You answered in a soft and low voice. The man let out a sigh and gently shook his head that made you chuckle.

"You do know what time is it now."

"Yes, it's already 10:49 in the evening."

You answered while glancing at the wall clock of your room. Laughter and happiness could be seen from her eyes.

"So it's time for you to go to bed."

He said as he gestures your bed and playfully lifted his right eyebrow at you. You laugh softly and gently jumped down from the window sill.

The tall man looked softly at you as your soft laughter became one with the slow and soft music of your room. You walked towards him and when you are already in front of him, you held out your hand at him.

He looked at your hand then at you, with a questioning expression. You scoff playfully and rolled your eyes. You grab his hands with both of your hands and a blush appeared on his face. You laugh at his cute expression.

"I'm asking you on a dance, dummy."

You said and pulled him inside your room and into the middle of your room.

"Seriously? Isn't it supposed to be me inviting you?"

"There are things that what a man can do, we women, can also do."

You said while smiling and placed his left hand on your waist and the other is intertwined with your left hand. Your right hand went to his left shoulder and made him laugh.

"Isn't your right hand supposed to be on your skirt?"

He asked playfully. You laugh.

"Am I even wearing a skirt right now?"

You asked him while lifting an eyebrow. He looks at your attire and nodded his head.

"Fair enough."

You laughed merrily and started swaying gently with him. You gaze into his eyes and so did he. He suddenly leaned down and planted a simple you on the lips. You are shocked for a moment but then returned to normal and you smiled between still him just kissing you.

You pressed your lips against him and both of you parted after a minute of just a simple kiss, with you smiling so widely and him grinning; his red eyes shining brightly.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

Both of you laugh together and a comfortable silence reign over.

"It's been 5 years since we're married."

You whispered, breaking the silence as he gently knocked his forehead to yours.

"Yeah, and I am so damn lucky to have you as my wife and partner,"

He answered as he stares into your (E/C). His eyes shone with love and happiness. Just thinking about not seeing his beautiful pair of eyes again, the corner of your eyes reddened and that made Asuramaru panicked.

He gently cupped your face and stopped swaying.

"Are you alright? Please tell your alright! Is it acting up again?" Asuramaru asked one question after another. His eyes overflowing with nervousness and grief.

You shook your head while closing your eyes.

"Are you sure, (Y/N)?"

He asked worriedly. You open your eyes and nodded gently with a small smile on your lips. He sighed and gently pulled you towards the bed.

"Let's sleep."

He said gently, his voice so soft yet it contained a slight tremble. You nodded your head and lay down with him. Both of you faced each other while smiling, but his smile contained sadness in them.

You scooted closer to him and wrapped your arms around his waist a little tighter. He also wrapped his other arm around your head and pulled you to his chest while his other hand is wrapped around your waist.

A contented sigh escape your lips.

"I am so happy to know that you feel lucky to have me as your wife and partner."

You whispered softly to his chest and you could feel your eyes watering again.

Asuramaru narrowed his eyebrows in grief and sadness. He planted a long kiss on your head; his eyes getting wetter too.

"I am," he whispered, "And will always am."

You couldn't hold back your tears anymore and they started rolling down one after the other. You pressed your lips together to prevent yourself from making any sound that will further make Asumaru sad.

"I wish you were never poisoned because of me... I wish that what the doctor said that you will be gone anytime... is not true..."

He whispered hoarsely, his voice breaking and trembling.

You looked up and saw him crying too. You felt your heart breaking into pieces as you saw his tears.

"I never ever regret saving you from the poison... because you are very important to me... and I am already happy and contented to have you by my side... every day..."

You gently whispered, your voice also cracking and trembling.

You slowly leaned up and kissed him gently on the lips.

As a woman, seeing a guy cries for you can really make you feel special.

And as a married woman, it is really heart-touching to know that your husband acknowledge you as his wife and partner.

But at the same time, heartbreaking because you knew that this will be the last time.

The very last time of hugging.

The very last time of holding hands.

The very last time of seeing him smile.

The very last time of seeing his beautiful red eyes.

The very last time of dancing.

The very last time of laughing and smiling together.

The very last time of sleeping together.

The very last time of making memories.

The very last kiss.

The very last I Love You.

And the very last goodbye.


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