Shinya ❌ Reader: I Marked You

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(A/N: Uhhh heeyyy guuyyysss.. Anyways, I kinda don't know what Shinya's personality is and if he ever became another type of Shinya... Please forgive me!
。゚(TヮT)゚。I'm really trying my best right now ( ╥ω╥ )
By the way, I am currently making a new story. And I hope you will read it. (o^▽^o) )

                                               YOU LOOK outside and the sky is gray as the ash. You look up with boredom and released a sigh wit eyes closed. You open them once again and snow started to fall from the sky. You look up once again and raised your hand to catch some snow. As a snow landed on your palm it quickly melts.
"I'm human... But why does the other humans see me as one of them? If I was not a human... The snow wouldn't melt in my palm.." You said inside Your head sadly. You look down at your palm with sadness in your eyes. You closed your hands tightly and gritted your teeth as you remember how the other humans treat you and see you just like them. You started walking while your head is low. You didn't care anymore. Your alive.. but dead inside. But you stop when you head footsteps coming your way. As you raised your head, a young man with silver hair and blue eyes stood two meters away form you.

You stare at him as he stares back at you. A smile formed his lips as he hold out his hand. You look at his hand curiously then to his face.
"Who are you?" You ask to him. He giggled and took a step forward towards you without putting his hand down. You keep backing up as he keep taking a step towards you. You narrowed your eyes at him but he was still smiling.
"I said, who are you?" You ask him again with anger in your voice. He put down his hand and let out a sigh.
"Well, I am--" you didn't let him finish talking because you cut him off.
"Nevermind." And you run away. You didn't look back but you heard him yelled something. You keep on running and running until you were almost out of breath. You stop and quickly sit on the ground while panting heavily. You rested your head on the wall and let the snow fall unto you.

"Oh my god! Who was that?! W-who was that beautiful creature!? Waaaaaaaaaaaahhh!! Why did I even ask his name?! Wahhhh! Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm going crazy!!" you screamed while blushing. You touch your face and felt that it was hot for some reason. You closed your eyes tightly and crouch down. You rested your forehead on your knee and the image of his gorgeous face flash into your mind which made your eyes winded and your blush worsen.

"Oh no.. oh no..." you keep telling that to yourself that you didn't notice that something is coming towards your way. But luckily, you manage to dodge it accidentally and it hit the tree behind you. You were shock because of what happened. Then you heard somebody laugh. You quickly look above the building two meters away from you. And above that building, a man was standing there. A man wearing a cape. You narrowed hour eyebrows together and stood up.

You look carefully to that man and your eyes widened as you saw him smirked. You gritted your teeth and glared at him while closing your fist tightly.
"Hey (Y/N)!! How was the wound that I have you last time?! Are you ready to have a new one?!" He screamed while smirking. Your glare darken and amusement appeared in his face. He jumped down from the building and he landed gracefully o the ground.

"Eliot." You said with venom in your voice. He laugh and then look at you while smirking again.
"I really love that expression of yours." And he attack you without giving a warning. Your eyes widened as he suddenly appeared in front of you and attacked you with his bare hand. You dodge all of his attack but sadly, you tripped on a rock and fall down.

You closed your eyes tightly as your back ache because of the pain but suddenly, Eliot went on top of you and grab your neck. You tried your best to remove his hand on your neck but he was so strong. Of course he is a vampire after all.
"Awww. Maybe its not a wound that I'll give you today. But a funeral." He said while smirking down at you.
Your eyes widened because of what he said and you started to feel scared. You tried to reach for his face but he leaned back and your tears wouldn't stop from falling.
"That's right. Give me more of that expre----" he couldn't finish his sentence when something blue passed by. And he quickly disappeared above you. You gasp for air while holding your neck. Your breathing was very heavy and you didn't know what happened go Eliot. But you didn't care.

Suddenly, you felt tired. Your eyelids became heavy. And without a warning, darkness took over you.

YOU OPEN your eyes and the first thing you saw was a white ceiling. You narrowed your eyes and closed your eyes tightly as your head started to throb. You touch your head and groan.
"Owww... It hurts... Gosh.. What happened anyway?" you whisper and look around. The walls are painted white and there are couches, chairs and table.
"I.. I don't have this luxurious things in my..." then everything that happened earlier came back. You quickly sit up. You look around you while breathing heavily and getting nervous.

*Knock Knock

You were startled because of the sudden knock. You quickly laid back and closed your eyes. The door opened and your hand twitched as you felt your nervousness worsen.
You heard the person's footsteps coming toward you which made you became nervous even more. And the person stopped beside the bed.

"Open your eyes. I know that your awake." the voice was like music to your ears. You don't want to open your eyes and listen to his voice all day but your afraid that he might do something to you if you wont do what he said. So you open your eyes and met his blue eyes. Your eyes widened.
'W-w-why is he here?!'
"W-w-w-why are y-y-you here?" You ask while pointing at him. He smiled at you and your eyes widened again.
"A little thank you would be fine. And pointing someone is bad you know." And he leaned forward. You leaned back even though you can't lean back anymore.

"H-hey your t-too close!" You yelled while stuttering. You push him back while biting your lower lip to prevent yourself from blushing. You heard him chuckle and you quickly look at him and he was already looking at you. You couldn't held it in anymore and your face turned red and smoke came out above your head.
"Your cute." Your eyes widened and you quickly covered your face with the blanket and bit your lower lip.

"S-s-s-s-stop making up things!!" You screamed under the blanket and bit your lower lip again. You heard him chuckle again with just,a swift move, he remove the blanket on your face. Your eyes widened as he is actually leaning towards you.
Close. Too close. Very close. Very very close.

You were about to push him away when he pinned not of your hands above your head. You look at him, shock.
"W-what are you doing?" You ask as you gulp and look into his eyes. He smiled down at you and your heart skipped a beat.
"Your too cute and I can't control myself anymore." He whispered but you could hear it clearly. Your eyes widened.
"W-w-w-w-w-w-w-what?!" You ask while stuttering and your face is red as the tomato. He chuckle again and leaned forward on your right side and your body stiffen as you felt his breath on your neck.
You gasp for air as his lips touch your neck. You closed your eyes tightly and tried your best to remove his grip on your hand.

"N... No!" You screamed and squirm under his grip but his too strong. You keep squirming but stop when he leaned back. And now he was smirking. You gritted your teeth while blushing.
"Now I have marked you." Your eyes widened as he said that.
"I said I marked you already."
"Why the hell did you do that?!"
"Because i couldn't do it last time."
"Last time?! What do you mean by last time??"
"Don't you remember? You know when he first meet?"

He said while smiling. You tilted your head to the other side.
"I'm sorry but I couldn't remember. Perhaps you got the wrong girl." You said while glaring at him. He chuckle and shake his head. Your glare got darker and he just chuckle.
"I guess I'll make you remember then." And with that he leaned forward slowly and your body stiffened as his lips gently crashed into yours. Your eyes widened and couldn't believe that this is happening right now.

He started kissing you gently and without noticing, you already closed your eyes. The feeling is somewhat... nostalgic.
He leaned back and a sweet smile was on his lips. You stare at him dumbfounded. He leaned forward again and plant a long and gentle kiss on your forehead. Then it hit you. As he leaned back you look at his eyes with tears on your eyes.

"Shinya..." you whispered and the tears rolled down. His eyes widened but then he smiled and caresses your cheek.
"(Y/N)... Oh (Y/N)..." and he kissed you again passionately.

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