Mikaela ✘ Fil. Reader: Mahal Kita

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I won't be accepting any REQUEST, well for now. And beware of grammatical and typos error. That's all. Ty!

Mikaela Fil. Reader:

Mahal Kita

YOU LET out short yet light chuckle as you saw Yuichiro hit Mikaela behind his head. He was stunned for a second before looking at Yuichiro with a glare. Yuichiro didn't flinch nor got scared. He only let out a laugh that made Mikaela let out a ghost-smile. 

Your heart melt at the sight. It was a good thing that Mikaela and Yuichiro are now back together. They only have each other. You let out a sigh while closing your eyes. When you opened them, Yuichiro are already waving at Mikalea while walking a while with a big goofy smile on his lips. Mikaela waved back without removing the ghost-smile on his lips.

You quickly pulled out a piece of paper from your breast pocket with a 'Mahal Kita' written on it. You watch as Mikaela stopped waving and his ghost-smile disappearing. You felt sad, but only a little. You heard him let out  a sigh and that made you smiled.

You were busy thinking for a plan on how to give it to Mikaela without you being seen or known, when suddenly, a cute and chubby little girl stop right in front of you; staring at you with her cute and wide eyes while licking her chocolate flavored ice-cream. You jerk up and let out a faint squeal. The cute little girl tilted her head to her right side.

You let out a sigh while patting your chest gently. You gave her a small smile.

"H-Hello there," you greeted her with a small smile, "What's your name?" you ask as you crouch down to her level. 

"Shakuwa. End I'm puwive yearsh old." she licked her ice-cream, "What'sh your name big shister?" she ask back and that made you smile.

She's perfect. You thought.

You tilted your head and gave her a close eyed smile. "My name is (Y/N). And I'm (Y/A)." you extended out your hand in front of her, "Nice to meet you, Sakura." she accepted your hand with her other hand that has no melted chocolate and shook your hand with a big grin on her face.

"Say, can you do me a little favor, Sakura?" You asked full of hope.

"What'sh a pavor, Mish (Y/N)?" she asked and licked her ice-cream. You scratch the back of your head and let out a sigh. You smiled at her, "It's umm... It's an act of kindness honey." you answered.

An 'O' formed her mouth and gave you a big grin and nodded her head. You excitedly clapped your hands together and handed her the paper.

"Now, listen carefully okay?" you smiled, she nodded her head joyfully and turned serious which made you chuckle, "Give this paper to that boy over there." you pointed at Mikaela's direction. She look at where you were pointing and look back at you with a big smile as her eyes twinkle. She nodded her head and run towards Mikaela's direction with the paper on her hand excitedly.

MIKAELA are currently sitting on a bench, thinking, when suddenly a cute and chubby little girl approached him with excitement evident on her face, a melting ice-cream on her hand and a piece of paper which he always receive from an anonymous person and also with two words that he can't read nor understand.

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