Yuichiro ✘Emotionless Reader: It's the Only Way to Protect You...

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I won't be accepting any REQUEST, well for now. And beware of grammatical and typos error. That's all. Ty!

Yuichiro Emotionless Reader:

It's the Only Way to Protect You...

YOU walk through the corridor with your emotionless face that everybody would run away when they saw you coming or something. You played the pocky in your mouth while munching it, then you heard someone yelled your voice behind you. You stopped walking and look at the person,

Oh, it's only the brat. you thought to yourself as Yuichiro glared at you for nothing. You faced your body to his direction then stared at him. He rolled his eyes then run towards you with his fvcking cursed gear. But you didn't feel scared at all, but you felt awesome right know.

"Haahhh!" he swing his sword to you but you took a step back easily and duck(?) when Yuichiro swing his sword again, he 'tch'ed then jumped back. You pulled out another pocky and put it in your mouth then walk away.

"Ah! Hey! (Y/N) we're not done yet! Come back here!!" you didn't look back and you could feel his movements, he was running towards you. Ready to kill you. You let out and emotionless sigh. You faced him and stopped his sword nearly at your face using your right hand, which is started to bleed. You started at him without emotions then let go of his sword and walk away, letting your blood drop on the floor. You heard a gasp and everybody started to whisper.

YOU tightened the clean bandage and you winced in pain and almost hit your head on the wall, you let out a sigh then sealed it and dived into the clinic/hospital bed and slowly closed your eyes as the image of Yuichiro flashed into your mind.

Yuichiro looked around you worriedly as he keep thinking how you are now, he almost went outside the city just to find you and treat your wound. He walked inside the school corridor again and stopped in front of the school clinic. He smiled widely and slowly open the door.

"(Y/N)??" he whispered, but no one answered. The smile on his face disappeared and he was about to closed the door when he heard a faint snoring. A smirk appeared on his face and tip toed towards your bed and open the white curtains. But his smirk disappeared when he saw your peaceful sleeping face. He smiled sadly then pulled the seat slowly beside your bed and sit there for an hour while staring at you.

You let out a cute snore, which made him to hold his laugh but too bad, he fell on the floor crouching his stomach and preventing his self from laughing out loud. You slowly open your eyes when you heard someone, holding their laughter in. You sit up and rub your tired eyes but your eyes widened when you glance at Yuichiro on the floor.

"What the fvck are you doing here?!" you yelled, his eyes widened and quickly stood up straight while saluting.

"T-third C-commander (Y/N)! I-Im sorry f-for i-interrupting your s-sleep, Ma'am!" he exclaimed nervously. Your emotionless face appeared once again and you just ignored him then grab your bag and went outside the clinic room. While walking, you felt someone was following you. You let out a sigh and continued walking, but then suddenly someone grabbed your right hand and you winced and punch the person right at the face. But you sweat drop as you saw Yui, face-planting the wall. You scratch your head and look at the ceiling.

YOU just finished putting some clean bandages on Yuichiro's head and stood up. You went into the kitchen and pulled out some chips from the drawer and two dozens of drinks. Pretty plenty right? And went inside your room again and the first thing you saw was a sleeping Yuichiro in your bed. You smiled, for the first time in history..... you finally smiled... 

You put down the chips and the drinks on your study table and walk towards your bed and slowly bent down, you stared in his handsome face then a tear rolled down in your eyes. You didn't bother to wiped it away you just let it roll down and fall, and followed with more tears.

"You know... when you asked *sobs* me why I become like this? Well, *sobs* it's the only way for me to keep you safe from the others, who want's to experiment *sobs* you more." you wiped away the tears and hugged your knees. But then you felt someone petted your head, you look up with wide eyes and saw Yuichiro smiling down at you.

"It doesn't matter to me if they experiment me, and also I would let them do that so I can get stronger and protect the family I only had left. Especially you..." when he said that, you started to tear up again dive at him on the bed and hugged him tightly as you cried on his shoulder.

YOU walked tiredly at the corridor as student's started to murmur something new. You pulled out a box of pocky and shoved one in your mouth. But then you felt someone hanged their arms on your shoulder, you glance at the person.

"Yui-kun..." you said without emotion. He grinned widely at you and stole one pocky. You just gave him a poker face then remove his arms on your shoulder, he pouted at you.

"Yuck.." and you walked away, he gasped then shouted your name which made you smile.

"Oh come on (Y/N)!" and he run towards you and suddenly carried you in bridal style and jumped out of the window.


Even if  you would let yourself get hurt just by protecting the person you truly dear, that wouldn't change my mind by protecting you too, I won't stop protecting you until the end of my life.... Yuichiro.

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