Yoichi ✘ Vampire Reader: My Fragile Butterfly ♥

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I won't be accepting any REQUEST, well for now. And beware of grammatical and typos error. That's all. Ty!

Yoichi Vampire Reader:

My Fragile Butterfly ♥

YOU jumped happily from roof to roof outside the Vampire City. You bent down and put pressure on your feet and jumped high and spin in the air and maneuver your body. You giggled happily but e green arrows is coming at your direction. You quickly pulled out your sword and swing your sword towards the arrows. When it hit each other, it made a loud explosion on the air. You landed on the roof of a building with your serious face.

You walk towards the edge of the roof but another 3 arrows is coming at your way. An ink mark appeared on your head and you stop once of the arrows using your right hand near your face. While the two arrows disappeared and vanished into thin air. You grip on the arrow and narrowed your eyes towards the live stocks below. You grip it tightly until it disappeared, you turn your back away from them but you the building started to fall. You let out a sigh then let yourself fall with the big parts of the building.

"Yeah! That was easy! Ha! Take take you blood sucker!" you heard one of them yelled and you cant see his because of the dust flying around. You chuckle darkly that you felt their body tensed up. As the smoke slowly disappeared, you put your right feet above a boulder and rested your right elbow on your leg and smirk at them as you finally saw their faces. Their eyes widened and you wave at them and gave a close eyes smile then jumped off above the boulders and landed gracefully in front of the boy who attacked you earlier with arrows. you took a step  forward and he began to tremble, 

"Yoichi!" a boy with dark hair screamed and quickly appeared in front of you swinging his sword at you. You duck easily and jumped back with your hand behind your waist.

"Woah, your a feisty one, aren't you?" you said and giggled, you open your eyes again and their already on their fighting stance. You tilted your head to the other side and your gaze went to the boy earlier, He's cute and so.... Fragile. You smirk at him which made him to jumped back and the boy earlier charges at you once again, you chuckled everytime as he tried to kill you but you would easily dodge all his attack. You swing his sword to you again and you jumped and landed on his sword. You leaned forward which made his eyes wide. But the girl and the boy with red hair attacked you together. 

You jumped off away from his blade and landed behind the fragile. You wrap your arms around his arms and leaned on his ear and whisper. "I like you.." 

"Yoichi!" all of them exclaimed together as they run towards you again with anger. But you giggled and disappeared with Yoichi.

YOU reappeared inside of a building with a bed on it, you carried the unconscious Yoichi towards the bed and slowly put him down and caress his cheeks, you smirk and leaned forwards his neck. But you stop in mind way and leaned back, you let out a sigh then took of your coat, your ribbon, your outer uniform and your pants and boots. You walk towards the red chair only wearing a white shirt. You let your head rest on the arm of the chair and slowly closed your eyes, but your eyes snapped open when you heard Yoichi groaned. You sit up and pull up your legs and put it above the chairs arms. He look around but his gaze went into yours, you smiled at him and wave but he blush when he saw that you are only wearing the upper clothes. 

You follow his gaze and it went to your... boobs. You blushed and cover your chest part with your arms while looking away. Yoichi scratched the back of his head looking at his lap while blushing, you let out a sigh then stood up and walk towards him with a smirk on your face. He look at your face and he gasped when your face was millimeters away from his. You tilted your head to the other side and smiled at him. He crawled back but his back hit the wall which made him to tense up. You giggled and crawl towards him seductively. He began to blush as he stare at you, you giggled then crawl between his legs and grab both of his hands and put it above his head.

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