What The Hell?!

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Sorry for the short chapters lately, I just haven't been able to write much I guess *shrugs* Oh well. Anyway, I've got an idea of how I'm gonna do this next chapter so I'm just gonna start writing and hope it ends well! XD You already know, but I love you my beautiful freaks!

(Y/n)'s POV

I've been sitting in this chair for what feels like 5 hours. In actuality it's probably only been 20 minutes, but it still feels like an eternity. In the past moments of consciousness I have managed to burn through all of my distractions. I've already run through scenarios of how this encounter will go, and have made plans accordingly, although I will admit; I have no idea why I'm here.

That's another thing that's been bugging me; I'm not special. Why in heaven and hell would anyone want to kidnap me? What the balls does he want with me? I'm not good at anything. I don't come from a rich family, I'm not smart, or talented, I'm definitely not attractive- thank God I can cross sex slave off the list- I have zero friends- outside of the Internet that is- and therefore virtually no worth to anyone seeking anything. So why the fuck am I here?

Rolling my head side to side I can feel my muscles beginning to loosen, allowing me to turn my head farther than before. A sigh passes my lips, finally, something good. As I continue to move my head I can feel an unpleasant pressure in my neck, and decide to crack it. Which leaves a nice grinding sound to resonate throughout the room.

I close my eyes and sigh again, this is actually getting pretty boring. With the adrenaline beginning to leave my body earlier I became dully aware of the sneaking chill in the room, and now that it has been so long I can feel the cold breeze riding up my legs and through my spine, seeming to leave no nerve untouched. A shiver comes along with the icey touch of the air as goosebumps rise along the surface of my skin. God, it's cold. I'm beginning to actually hope that my captor comes in here soon, because despite the terror he elicits from me I need something to take my mind off the cold... the dark... being alone...

Something warm fans across the back of my neck, a startled shriek escaping my lips. This brings a dark chuckle from the evident male behind me. "Morning sleeping beauty, enjoy your little nap?" The slightly raspy voice from the boy from earlier whispers in my left ear. He then chuckles at his own pun. Oh God. He's so close to me. Although I didn't want to be alone 10 seconds ago, I don't want this... this person... so close to me!
"W-why am I h-here?!" I blurt, desperately hoping for an answer for my earlier unsolved question.
"Because I need you, of course." He replies, the smirk evident in his voice yet again. He makes this sound so casual, like it's every Wednesday that he has a girl tied to a chair, waiting for him. What scares me the most is that for all I know, he does.
"F-for what?!" I spit, feeling my throat begin to tighten. No. No, I won't cry. I can't cry. I need to think this through. I need to find a way to escape.
"Awe, are you really that scared? C'mon, I'm not that bad," he makes his way in front of me, arms extended from his sides. "I mean, look! I didn't even cut you!" He marvels at my appearance, presumably at the fact that there are no visible cuts on me.
"Y-you didn't answer my q-question," I note, fighting back the ever-so-present urge to cry my heart out.
"And you didn't answer mine." His tone is now demanding, as he leans forward into my face. "I asked you a question. Now answer me." Frighteningly calm. Dangerously calm. His tone is calm, but the air about him is deadly. He's not playing games.

I simply nod, my head leaning back as far as it will go before the headrest stops me.
"Is that a yes?" His voice holds its previous, almost sarcastic, demeanor. He sounds just like any teenage boy; sarcastic, witty, and arrogant. What the hell? Why does he keep doing this? Changing attitudes from one to the next, it's freaking me out! Yet again, my voice fails me and all I can do is nod. He leans forward, his mask brushing my left ear as he speaks. "I can't hear you," he sings, craning his neck so his ear is closer to my mouth.
"Y-yes..." I gasp, my senses overwhelmed with... something odd. He chuckles and I flinch, his voice too loud in my ear. He pulls away as he continues chuckling, backing up and moving past me to my right. "H-hey! W-where are you going?!" I panic, trying my best to turn my head and see where he is.
"Don't worry Princess," a soft, yellow light emerges from behind me, and is kept in front of his body as he walks past me yet again, preventing me from seeing the front of him. "Better?" He asks turning around. My eyes widen as my breath catches in my throat. Oh God... I knew what that was... when he leaned in... that smell... "What?" He asks, obviously enjoying my reaction. "Afraid of a little blood?"

He extends his arms, giving me full view of his soaked attire. Although it's hard to see, given his dark clothing, it's vibrant against the blue of his mask. Thick, crimson liquid lay splattered across where I assume his cheek to be, turning an old, rusted colour around the edges as it has evidently had plenty of time to begin to dry. My throat constricts as all I can do is stare.

Great. Of all the people I could have been kidnapped by, it had to be a murderer! No, not a robber, not a slave driver, a fucking murderer! Oh God, I turn my head away, looking to the window, he's going to kill me. My heartbeat increases it's speed, hot tears beginning to sting my eyes. "Relax, Cupcake. You'll have fun with me, I'm great." I can feel him step closer, his tall frame towering over my bound one.
"F-fun? What do you mean, 'fun'?" I manage to get past my quivering lips.
"You'll understand soon." Sparing a glance to my left, I see that he is standing about three feet away from me, his arms crossed as he simply looks at me.
"U-understand what?!" I demand, allowing the tears to spill from my eyes, tracing hot streaks down my face.
"Shhhhhhh, shhhh, shhhh," he reaches forward and rests a hand on my shoulder, his face coming closer to my ear as he whispers. "Soon. For now, be quiet."
"W-what? How do you e-expect me t-to be quiet?! Just answer my questions!"
"You have no right to be demanding anything from me! I am in control! Your life is in my hands!" He snarls, his hand raising above my head. Gasping, I only have enough time to move my tongue away from my teeth as my head is sent rushing forward, chin painfully crashing into my chest. "Learn your place, human." A growl eminating from his throat. Lifting my head and opening my jaws I wince at the pain that it brings, though I think I should move them, just to make sure that there's no permanent damage to them.
"W-what? H-hum-an?" I manage to get past my aching jaws, quickly closing them together afterwards. His dark voice resonates throughout the cold room as he spits out a chuckle. In the blink of an eye he's in front of me, mask merely centimeters away from my face. Eyes widening I let out a shriek as his gloved hand reaches out and covers my mouth.
"Shhhhhh..." His other hand lifts to his mask, presumably where his mouth would be as he gives a "shushing" motion.

He releases another gut-wrenchingly sick chuckle. Tears yet again form in the feeling of needles pricking at my eyes, and I can't help the pathetic whimpers that pass through the fabric of his glove and into the atmosphere.

Slowly, he retracts his hand from my mouth, making sure I'll stay quiet. Apart from a few whimpers amongst my tears I try my best to shut the hell up, to which he seems content. He takes a step back, giving the minimal amount of space for him to move in, before bending down in front of me, his mask just barely in focus due to it's close proximity to my own. Bringing his blurry hand to the chin of his mask he slips a finger under the rim, lifting the material away from his face and dragging it upwards.

What is beginning to be revealed makes me want to be sick and scream at the same time, though I can't seem to do either. I can only watch in silent horror as the thing in front of me grins, it's teeth, if they can even be called that, are more like daggers; each looking razor sharp and pointed to a deadly end. His, no, it's skin is a dark ashen (a/n: ha.) colour, like wet cement after a downpour.

The mask continues to lift, exposing a suspiciously normal looking nose, aside from the colour that is, and what seems to be faded stains that run down it's cheeks. Finally the mask is set to rest atop it's head, uncovering a pair of gaping black holes. The black stains on his face stem from those empty sockets as they seem to be piercing my soul.

Finally finding my voice, I manage to get out a mangled cry, one of pure terror. Squeezing my eyes shut, I feel a hand grip my face, fingers digging into my skin as the other hand forces my eyes open, giving me no choice but to stare into the empty eyes before me. The smirk on his face widens as he leans closer, his head hovering just above my shoulder. He moves one of his hands away from my face, the one by my eyes, and pulls down on my shirt, unclothing my shoulder to him.

He chuckles a very low tone, the warmth of his breath bringing goosebumps to my skin. He lowers his face even more, his nose pushing into my shoulder as he inhales. "You smell delicious (y/n)." He breathes. I shriek when a swathe of warmth glides across my shoulder and up my neck, leaving a wet trail behind it. He chuckles yet again, whispering into my ear. "You taste good too." His grip on my face loosens and I twist my head away, breaking free from his fingers.
"W-what the hell?!"

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