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Disclaimer; I do not by any means own The Originals, or the characters from the tv program. I only own Amelia Moretti and her storyline.

'Shh, baby you don't want more nightmares.' A young mother spoke to her child trying to get it to stop crying and fall asleep.

The child clearly terrified of the thought spoke to its mother as it climbed in its bed 'No mummy...' The women started singing to her child.

Slowly the young innocent child fell asleep, as its mother left a kiss on its forehead for a good night. She left the room, and seemed to have frozen, simply the time around her stopped as her eyes showed her a vision, vision she wished to un-see and never think of again. She knew she didn't have to spread the word as she anticipated that the ancestor of New Orleans made sure the other witches knew what was coming, more like whom.
'She's here' she whispered still paralysed from the vision. The women knew that with this news, the once beautiful New Orleans was going to be turned into a dark place once again by the evil creature. She woken up from the nightmare and started to walk to her bed still thinking about the images deep in her mind.

She was mesmerizing, tall, had a figure to die for, no doubt she was one of the most beautiful women in New Orleans. As she strolled the streets, she couldn't help but notice the stares she was receiving from the public. She made her entranced into a local bar and sat on a stool, waiting. She knew everything about everyone, and appeared when she wanted, where she wanted. She made her presence known when she wanted to, truly owning her life and her destiny. However, something or rather someone interesting has attracted her back to this beautiful city, as the thought crossed her mind a manly figure walked into the bar searching around looking for something.

'Niklaus Mikealson, what a pleasure it is to see you. Again. Aren't you a sight for sore eyes.'? Her voice sounded like an angel, which was the opposite of what she was. The words she spoke were soaked in sarcasm and lies. Klaus was stunned by her beauty, he breathed in air before speaking for the first time.

'Amelia Moretti, I didn't expect you to show up. Last, we seen each other was in New York, I believe. ' He chose his words carefully not wanting to anger her.

' Yes, if you remember that was when you chased me out of the city, again. I do have to say though this is an opportunity I simply could not miss. Just, remember that we do have a deal. Do not betray me Niklaus.' She spoken again as she drank the alcoholic substance in her glass, she laughed to herself which earned her a confused look from Niklaus

'This is going to be so much fun' Those were the last words she spoke before she disappeared from his line of sight.

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