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"He's like a cockroach in a suit." Marcel said to Davina as he looked at the body of Elijah. "Doesn't matter. Time to give old Elijah back to Klaus anyway."

"You asked me to figure out how to kill the Originals. I'm not done." Davina commented as she walked towards Marcel. "Silver daggers hurts them, but that's it." She explained

"Davina we've been through this. Klaus and Amelia saved my life, I owe them one. Since Klaus wants his brother back-" Marcel was cut off by Davina

"Tonight's the annual Dauphine Street music festival. " Marcel already knowing what she wanted started to shake his head. "I want to go. Please." She asked him.

"The whole point of you being up here, is so your never spotted out there. You know what's smack in the middle of Dauphine Street - Sophie Deveraux, pain-in-the-ass witch, and you know what the witches will do to you if they find you."

"Cut your throat until you die and wait for your magical resurrection. Quite pathetic actually." A female voice said from by the door. Both Marcel and Davina looked towards her. "Anyone want to explain why I can't come in?" She asked looking at the doorway.

"Protection, since you immune to my magic I thought I'd at least stop you from getting in here and taking Elijah. Just an upgrade" Davina said, "-How do you know about the harvest?" She then asked Amelia.

"I was a meant to be a harvest girl once, since I was what I was we all knew they just wanted to kill me... So, I killed them instead. And I'm quite hurt that you don't trust me Davina, I thought we were becoming close like sisters." Amelia replied mocking Marcel and the conversation they had the other day in the bar. "I say let her go, Marcel. I'll make sure to keep my schedule clean tonight, so I can be there"

"That's not really reassuring me 'Lia "Marcel said looking at the gorgeous immortal figure before him.

"Marcel, please you control the witches make her go away. It's only one night." Davina begged.

"I said no." Marcel said. Davina with a disappointed look spoke up as Amelia and Marcel started to leave.

"I do anything you say, but sometimes I think you forget what I'm capable of. Did you know I can make someone's blood boil?" Davina tried to scare Marcel.

"Old trick, I learnt that when I was five." Amelia responded and yawned, Marcel smirked at her reaction but went back to Davina and he noticed she was serious.

"All I have to do is focus." Davina said as she started to look at Marcel and he started to sweat as proof of what Davina can do.

"Fine we compromise, Alright?" Marcel asked and Davina smiled while Amelia smirked. "You going out alone, is too dangerous, but I'll introduce you to a friend of mine that's going to be there, alright nice lady you two are really going to hit it off." Davina looked at Amelia.

"Oh, love don't look at me I'm not the person he's talking about. Like I haven't got better things to do then to babysit some witch with anger issues." Amelia said and she left the church.


Amelia was sat on a bench awaiting Klaus as he had something to tell her. She waited she looked at the people who waked past her. She got so lost in her own world she didn't realise Klaus who was now sat by her. He admired her beauty as she was facing the other way. "What is it? I'm not in the happiest of mood since a little spawn decided to ruin a part of my plan." Amelia asked him rotating around to face him. He spread his arm along the bench

"Well, love. Marcel has asked Camille to attend the music festival tonight to look after a young girl, whom I believe is Davina. I made her agree." Klaus said

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